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Chapter 4 Images により Mind Map: Chapter 4 Images

1. Colour and Paletters in Multimedia

1.1. Understanding natural light & colour -Additive color -Subtractive color -Color models

1.2. Color palettes -Dithering

2. Image File Types Used in Multimedia

2.1. Macintosh formats

2.2. Windows formats

2.3. Cross-platform formats

3. 3-D drawing & Rendering

3.1. 3-D animation tools

3.2. Features of a 3-D application

3.3. Panoramas

4. Making Still Images

4.1. Bitmaps -Bitmaps editor = painting program

4.2. Vector-draw graphics -Vector editor= drawing program

4.2.1. Applications of vector-draw object

4.2.2. How vector-drawn images work

4.2.3. Vector-drawn images versus bitmaps