Are athletic associations doing enough to the players we've grown up with?

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Are athletic associations doing enough to the players we've grown up with? により Mind Map: Are athletic associations doing enough to the players we've grown up with?

1. Lose memory

1.1. Front of the head is where lots of memories are stored

1.1.1. Head to head contact happens all the time and it usually happens with the front of your head where you are taking the most blows.

1.1.2. If you dont remember someone important in your life that could affect your family and home living cause you always forget.

2. brain damage can lead to not having motor skills

2.1. loss of walking

2.1.1. if you have a certain amount of concussions when playing sports is that enough

2.1.2. cant do the things you love to do

2.2. Life long injuries

2.2.1. Brain damage

2.2.2. Can't do the things you use to do like things whens you try to help around the house or at your job

3. Is the equipment they use enough

3.1. Are the helmets and pads or even if they have no pads enough

3.1.1. In basketball you don't have pads but that should change because just like in any sport anything could happen

3.1.2. Head injuries happen in all sports but I feel if we have pads then we could be able to feel safer whenever you step where you play.

4. Can't play sports again

4.1. Motor skills are done

4.1.1. if you cant walk or cant throw a ball cause of your injury that you had

4.1.2. If you get a chin injury how are you suppose to talk to your teammates

4.2. Blow a knee or something in your leg can't walk

4.2.1. Knee injuries are one of the most injuries like breaking your bones or having a blown acl or joint which affects you for life.

4.2.2. once you blow something in your knee your legs are never the same with even having all the therapy and all.