Effects of Pokemon Go                       (start here)

登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録
Effects of Pokemon Go                       (start here) により Mind Map: Effects of Pokemon Go                       (start here)

1. Physical Effects

2. Increased Injuries

2.1. people walking and looking at thier phone

2.2. Injuries caused by pokemon in dagerous areas

2.3. ____________________________

3. Surveillence and Data collection

3.1. Potential for companies/governments to watch locations

3.2. Potential for companies/governments to track players

3.3. __________________________________________

4. Security Effects

5. Military and Security risks

5.1. Distracted security personnel

5.2. Risk to military

5.3. _________________________________

6. ______________________________

6.1. _________________

6.2. _________________

6.3. ____________________

7. Social Effects

8. Economic effects

9. Increased opportunity to socialize

9.1. Dating

9.2. More face-to-face meetings among people with similar interests

9.3. encorurages friendships

9.4. Creates a sense of community

10. Increased Crime

10.1. Tresspassing by players

10.2. Players are easy to rob

10.3. Territorial disputes/ racial violence

10.4. Driving while playing

10.5. Stalking

10.6. Ability to lure players to a location

11. Increased Excrcise

11.1. Weight loss

11.2. Increased mental health

11.3. More time outside

11.4. _________________________________

12. Increased Economic Activity

13. Lost productivity

13.1. Workers playing instead of working

13.2. Increased firings

13.3. ________________________________

14. Increased use of the Metric system

14.1. ___________________

14.2. ____________________

15. Increased Venture Capital for Augmented Reality

15.1. ____________

15.2. ______________

15.3. ____________________

16. Local Economic Impacts

16.1. Increased sales at restaurants and cafes

16.2. ____________________

17. Global Economic Impacts

17.1. Increased sales of extra phone batteries

17.2. Nintendo share price

17.3. Increased Data Charges

17.4. ________________________________________