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The Zika Virus により Mind Map: The Zika Virus

1. Disability

1.1. Microsephaly

1.2. Guillain-Barré syndrome

1.3. ADEM

2. Symptoms

2.1. Fever

2.2. Headache

2.3. Joint Pain

2.4. Muscle Pain

2.5. Skin Rash

2.6. Pink eye

2.7. Asthenia (weakness in body)

3. Transmitted

3.1. Pregnancy

3.1.1. Can cause birth defects

3.1.2. Abortion Rights Problems

3.2. Mosquitos

3.3. Sexual Partners

4. Who is Reporting

4.1. Medical Websites

4.2. National News

4.3. Local News

4.4. Not Disability rights activits

5. Activism

5.1. Womens Rights

5.2. Disability Rights

5.3. Health Care Issues

6. Denial

6.1. Brazil Ministry of Health

6.2. Physicians in Crop Sprayed Towns (PCST)

6.2.1. GMO Worry

7. Olympics

7.1. Athletes

7.2. Audience

7.3. Brings World Wide Attention

8. Global Health Concern

8.1. WHO