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The Book Thief により Mind Map: The Book Thief

1. Characters

1.1. accordionist/hans

1.1.1. Enjoys smoking, is a painter by trade, plays the accordion and paino for a little money in the winter, cheated death once in one world war

1.2. fanatical germans

1.3. Rosa Haberman/ foster mom

1.3.1. Did washing and ironing for five of the wealthier households in Mokhing, aggravated everyone she met does love Liesel but has a strange way of showing it

1.4. jewish fistfighter/Max Vandenburg

1.4.1. Loved a good fistfight, he was eleven years old when he had his first fight with Wenzel Gruber. His father died when he was nearly two years old, when he was nine, his mother went completely broke and had to move in his uncle house, he grow up with six cousins.

1.5. narrator/ Death

1.6. Girl/The book thief/Liesel

1.6.1. Understands that her mother wasnt able to take care of her and her little brother anymore and wanted to be with people who could, she thinks that everything around her is normal, that you are suppost to not like the Jews and that the Nazi´s have to get raid of them

1.7. Ruby/ Liesel bestfriend

1.7.1. The boy next door who is obsessed with the black American Athlete Jesse Owen

1.7.2. Met Liesel from a game of street soccer

1.8. Frau Diller

1.8.1. The staunch Aryan corner shop owner

1.9. Frau Holtzapfel

1.9.1. Hubermann's neighbor, spits on thers doorway everytime she walks past due to the that her and Rosa engaged decade-long verbol war, neber married but has 2 sons who were in the army

1.10. Tommy Muller

1.10.1. A kid whose chrornic ear infections had resulted in several operations, a pink river of skin painted across his face, and a tendency to twitch

1.11. A man known primarily as "Pfiffikus"

1.11.1. Whose vulgarity made Rose Hubermann look like a wordsmith and a saint

2. Deaths

2.1. The book thief brother

2.2. A pilot

3. The books she stole

3.1. First book she stole was called The Grave Diggers Handbook

3.1.1. She stole it because it was the last time she saw her mother and brother

3.2. Owns 14 books

3.2.1. Saw her story as being made up of prediminantly of ten of them Six was stolen, one on the kitchen table, two weee made by a hidden Jew, last one was delivered

4. Colors

4.1. white/inncocent death

4.2. dark chocolate brown

4.3. black/Nazis/Evil

4.4. red/blood/masacre

5. Importent Places

5.1. cematary

5.2. Himmel Street

5.2.1. Buildings appear glues together, small houses and apartment blocks, marky snow looks like carpet, concrete, and empty hat-stand trees and gray air

6. Life at home

6.1. Hans and Liesel does Rose's laundry to leave the house

6.2. Liesel wets the bed because she has nightmares about her brother

6.2.1. Hans plays the accordion so she can fall asleep

6.3. Max moved in and he lives in the basement

6.3.1. Liesel and Max build a friendship by talking about Max's book "Mein Kampf" together Liesel askes alot of questions about his life