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Using songs and videos により Mind Map: Using songs and videos

1. Songs

1.1. Some reasons to use songs

1.1.1. 1. They are authentic materials.

1.1.2. 2. You can learn culture and history through them.

1.1.3. 3. Songs contain repetitions, and repetitions enhance learning.

1.1.4. 4. You can learn vocabulary and pronunciation easily.

1.1.5. 5. They are fun and they can energize you if you fell unmotivated.

1.2. How to select songs

1.2.1. 1. To acquire more vocabulary, search for songs which have really long lyrics, with few or no repetitions at all.

1.2.2. 2. To improve pronunciation, search for songs sung by native speakers. Also, songs which have an average tempo, not too fast, not too slow. Several or many repetitions are great for this.

1.2.3. 3. To improve fluency, select songs with fast rhythm and long lyrics.

1.3. Strategies to use them

1.3.1. 1. Select a song, according to your likes or needs.

1.3.2. 2. Listen to the song one to three times just to enjoy it.

1.3.3. 3. Listen to the song paying attention to the lyrics, words, pronunciation, and pace.

1.3.4. 4. Listen to the song and try to write the lyrics.

1.3.5. 5. Check if the lyrics is right.

1.3.6. 6. Listen to the song and try to sing along by reading the lyrics.

1.3.7. 7. Memorize it and sing it along or by yourself.

2. Videos

2.1. What kinds of videos to use?

2.1.1. • Avoid those videos of grammar explanations.

2.1.2. • Try to watch videos of varied genre.

2.1.3. • Be sure the people involved in the video are native speakers.

2.2. Some strategies

2.2.1. • Use subtitles only if you are in basic level.

2.2.2. • Enjoy videos when watching first time.

2.2.3. • Pay attention to words, new expressions, and intonation.

2.2.4. • Watch the video the times you need.

3. Songs and Videos

3.1. Nowadays, when you want to listen to or know the lyrics of a song the first thing you do is to go to Youtube. And actually, that is a good way to learn new vocabulary, to practice pronunciation, and fluency. You can get advantage of this strategy of combining songs and videos to improve your English.