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Catherine により Mind Map: Catherine

1. Edward

1.1. crusader

1.2. authoritative

1.3. shell shocked

1.4. somber

1.5. patron of the arts

1.6. social good

1.7. "My brother Edward thinks even girls should not be ignorant, so he taught me to read holy books and to write.

2. Morweena

2.1. not openly good and caring

2.2. openly grumpy

2.3. openly authoritative

2.4. concealed good

2.5. lawful good

2.6. "My nurse Morwenna now that I am near grown and not in need of her nursing so she tortures me with complaints about the length of my stitches"

3. Jewish Mother

3.1. concerned about her children

3.2. (late 19th century: Yiddish, ( literally ‘oh woe.’)

3.3. cunning

4. God

4.1. pragmatic

4.2. vengeful

4.3. influtial

4.4. likes to intervene

5. Shaggy beard

5.1. Catherine's supposed future husband

5.2. rich

5.3. ugly

6. Catherine's father

6.1. greedy

6.2. selfish

6.3. narcissistic

6.3.1. egotistic hh

6.4. evil neutral

6.5. "My father must suffer from all head this day for he cracked me me twice before dinner"

7. Perkins

7.1. wise

7.2. clever

7.3. personable

7.4. neutral good

7.5. "even though Perkins must be tired all the time it does not make him bad tempered"