登録は簡単!. 無料です
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1. Building friendships, showing more awareness to others.

2. Culture

3. Social

4. Physical

5. Cognative

6. Emotional



9. Understanding, speaking more and expressions come clearer.

10. Becoming more independent, self awareness, starting to maintain relationships.

11. Starting to mix with other kids in nursery, getting outside interests.

12. Stronger, balance and co-ordination.

13. Leaving school, starting employment, preferred (peer) group assumes importance over parent/carers.

14. New learning is practical and work related, more capable of informed argument via personal and social interests.

15. Self awareness, development of new identity, first sexual relationship.

16. Personal presentation, own choice of activities, etc.

17. Body changes, including development of reproductive system (Puberty).

18. Routine, activities and events (whether at home or nursery)

19. Demands attention, love and care and is learning trust.

20. Rolling over, sitting up with support to sitting up without support.

21. Relates to others through smiles and cries, by 6 months he/she begins to show 'attachment behaviour' then by 24 months- more established social confidence ( to play away from their main caregiver).

22. Crying from birth then 'babbling' up to baby's first words. By 2 years rapid growth of vocabulary and increasing confidence.