Technology in Education

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Technology in Education により Mind Map: Technology in Education

1. Digital Citizenship

1.1. Digital Footprint

1.1.1. Personal

1.1.2. Professional

1.2. Respecting creative work

1.3. Community

1.4. Information access

1.5. Learning

1.6. Collaboration

1.7. Connection

1.8. Self expression and identity

1.9. Connected culture

1.9.1. Intentional and unintentional

1.9.2. Helpful or hurtful

1.10. digital literacy

1.10.1. Ethical thinking

1.10.2. Ethical core

1.11. Digital Life Unit

1.11.1. Before the internet

1.11.2. After the internet

1.12. Security

2. Netiquette

2.1. Using proper language

2.2. Using proper mediums of communication via text or email

2.3. Being cautious of others

3. Web Awareness

3.1. Marketing to kids

3.2. Sexually explicit content

3.2.1. What is good?

3.2.2. What is bad?

3.3. Privacy

3.4. Internet Safety


3.5. Media Smarts

3.5.1. Parent and teacher resources

3.5.2. Media and digital issues

3.5.3. Educational games

3.5.4. E-tutorials

4. Copyright

4.1. Intellectual rights

4.2. Attribution

4.3. Fairness

4.4. Author Permission

4.5. Creative Commons

4.6. Citing sources

5. Authenticity of Web Recources

5.1. Is the information valid and reliable

5.2. Are there proper and authentic sources being cited