Laudato Si

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Laudato Si により Mind Map: Laudato Si

1. Environmentalism

1.1. Francis "pulls no punches"

1.1.1. Lamenting pollution

1.1.2. Climate change

1.1.3. Lack of clean water

1.1.4. Loss of biodiversity

1.2. Climate change is a global problem

1.2.1. Environmental

1.2.2. Social

1.2.3. Economic

1.2.4. Political

1.3. Causing climate change

1.3.1. Fossil fuel

1.3.2. Coal

1.3.3. Gas

2. On care for our common home

3. Encyclical

3.1. May 24, 2015 Officially published

3.2. June 18, 2015 news conference

3.3. 2013 Lumen fidei (Light of Faith)

4. Poverty

4.1. Develop nations

4.1.1. Morally obligated to assist developing nations

4.1.2. Help to develop and not to conquer

4.1.3. Give chances to unemployed international

4.2. Thou shall not kill

4.2.1. Reduce the use of resources for future generations

5. Science and modernism

5.1. Reality

5.1.1. Science

5.1.2. Religion

5.2. Religion including christianity

5.2.1. Rich contribution

5.2.2. Integral ecology

5.2.3. Humanity

6. Goals of the dialogue

6.1. Future of our planet

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.2. Includes everyone

6.3. Must be committed in prayer full Christians

7. Pope Francis

7.1. Critiques

7.1.1. Consumerism

7.1.2. Irresponsible development

7.2. Love for all

7.2.1. Care for environment

7.2.2. Respect for future generation

7.2.3. Treasure God's creation

7.2.4. New node

7.3. New node

8. Second encyclical of pope