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LoveBasedBody Branding により Mind Map: LoveBasedBody Branding

1. Strengths

1.1. i'm very intuitive

1.2. great connector with people

1.3. i feel into others energies and recognise what blocks them from shifting, compassionate

1.4. great with showing easier way to achieve body goals, all about ease and flow and alignment.

1.5. great to keep space for other's transformation. Receiving messages during the sessions

2. Weaknesses

2.1. unorganised

2.2. procrastinate

2.3. can be perfectionist

2.4. struggle with breaking down big vision into smaller steps

2.5. not great self belief

2.6. get irritated with techy stuff

3. Values/Beliefs

3.1. connection, openess

3.2. non judjmental

3.3. freedom from mind and body addictions, struggles, issues, pains

3.4. uplifting, fun and joyful

3.5. transforming women's body from inside out

3.6. conscious living through self awareness

4. Personality/Things I like to do.

4.1. spend time in nature and with friend

4.2. watch netflix and romantic movies

4.3. practice intimacy in relationship, tantra

4.4. learning about quantum physics and consciousness

4.5. emotional and spiritual growth

4.6. travelling

4.7. fitness, yoga, plant based cooking

4.8. plant medicine, essential oils

4.9. spirituality, consciousnes

4.10. dancing, laughing, goofing around

5. How I can help?

5.1. to transform body, get in great shape and sustain the new way of looking and feeling- i'm personal trainer, ex fitness model

5.2. get more confidence, inner peace, self love, self worth-spiritual approach and essential oils

5.3. feel sexier and fall in love with the training and eating healthy-

5.4. develop strong fit mindset and develop new empowering habits

5.5. develop emotional wisdom, connect with body and spirit through listening to emotions and using essential oils

5.6. nutrition, supplementation and detoxification guidance to cleanse body from toxins in the body that block the energy flow and create healthier and more beautiful body

6. Unique spin

6.1. i teach how to reprogram old beliefs about food, training and body-nlp re programming and reframing

6.2. use powerful mindset techniques

6.3. i'm a great mentor as had lots of experience myself

6.4. i teach them how to listen to their own guidance rather than following cookie cutter approach

6.5. i understand exactly what she is going through and can easily guide her to get results

6.6. i help to resolve old emotional traumas that are manifesting in form of extra weight

7. who do i serve

7.1. women between 30-45, ready to have a shift in their body and life

7.2. her relationship with herself and her body stops ger from creating a loving relationships with others. She may be single or not happy in relationships

7.3. out of shape, overweight and hating the way she looks

7.4. stressed, overwhelmed, addictive personality

8. Why i care?

8.1. I have been in her position, lonely, lost, overweight, no intimacy, stressed head

8.2. i want her to experience inner peace that is coming from knowing herself and her body

8.3. i want her to have amazing body she is in love with and be confident

8.4. i want to bring more light to her life

8.5. I want to increase conscious living on planet and i do it through increasing self awareness and conscious choices

9. Who i love working with?

9.1. committed to her personal journey

9.2. she wants to get her body back on track without dieting, obsessive calories counting

9.3. she is a great action taker, she is open to learn

9.4. she wants to learn strategies to move forward in life

9.5. she is open to learn about energy, low of vibration and attraction.

9.6. she takes responsibility for her behaviour and creating her body and life