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Dress Code により Mind Map: Dress Code

1. Learning Ability

1.1. Do clothes affect test scores?

1.2. Do your clothes affect others around you?

1.3. How can clothes be a distraction to others around?

1.4. Can wearing what you want help learning abilities?

2. Climate

2.1. How can climate affect what clothes people wear?

2.2. How hard is it to find school appropriate clothes for the different weather conditions?

2.3. What is the climate like in our area?

2.4. What type of clothes do people wear out side of school?

3. Rules

3.1. What are the rules in Bermudian Springs when it comes to dress code?

3.2. Can the rules be altered?

3.3. Why are the rules enforced?

3.4. What does an authority figure think of dress code

4. Expression

4.1. How else can one express himsef/herself?

4.2. Does dress code restrict creativity?

4.3. What do students think of dress code?

4.4. Adolescents at this age try new things to figure out who they are or want to be.

5. Body

5.1. Does dress code involve body shaming?

5.2. Does dress code mainly affect the female population?

5.3. How do people "cover up" when they break the dress code?

5.4. Females and males have different bodies causing different dress codes.