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Ma. Nazel T. Tapar により Mind Map: Ma. Nazel T. Tapar

1. Currently on a good family.

1.1. Ready to face all the challenges

1.2. Ready to commit to responsibilitites.

2. I will travel around the world.

2.1. Paris

2.2. Japan

2.3. United Kingdom

2.4. Hong Kong

2.5. New York

2.6. Italy

3. Will be a professional dancer.

3.1. I will be a star.

4. Graduated at a college that offers accountancy.

4.1. Worked as an accountant.

4.2. This is my passion.

4.3. One of my dreams.

5. Will have a car the will suffice my needs.

5.1. Will greatly help my current family.

6. Will have my own house and lot.

6.1. That will suffice the needs of my family.