Danny in ten years and after

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Danny in ten years and after により Mind Map: Danny in ten years and after

1. 2018

1.1. Still studying at SJDEFI but now with much more skills within

1.1.1. 2019. A well educated SHS graduate of SJDEFI

1.2. 2020. 1st year PT student still at SJDEFI. Studying while working at my Aunt's Restaurant.

1.2.1. 2021. A 2nd year PT student at SJDEFI. Studying while still working at my Aunt's Restaurant part time but now with a higher position. 2022. A 3rd year PT student much equipped student of SJDEFI and still working at the said Restaurant.

2. 2023

2.1. A 4rt year student more equipped and much more stressed PT student of none other than SJDEFI and learning new things about cookingdifferent dishes.

2.1.1. 2024. Probably taking my masteral at San Juan de Dios Hospital and creating new dishes for the restaurant.

2.2. 2025. Having 1 year experience here at SJD hospital as a PT. JUst visiting the Restaurant if given a time.

2.2.1. 2026. Working at either Japan or Guam and leaving with my aunties an uncles. Travelling, wandering, chilling. 2027. Probably with a stable life and have bought a condo unit for my dad and savings for our house but the title will be named by my mom.

3. 2028

3.1. Planning to have a family with Mr. R

3.2. 2029. With a simple, happy family now with 2 babies 1 girl and 1 boy.

3.2.1. 2030-2034. Supporting my children's needs and my father and mother's needs. Helping my siblings.

3.2.2. 2035. Have built a clinic with low price treatment. 2036-4ever. Living a good life with my parents and husband with our children. Handling a charity for children and grandparents with disabilities.

4. 2017

4.1. Student of SJDEFI

4.1.1. Studying hard to fulfill my dreams

4.2. Working at my aunts restaurant

4.2.1. Wants to be a licensed PT someday Chilling

4.3. Aiming for top

4.3.1. A STEM student full of dreams