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Cell respiration により Mind Map: Cell respiration

1. Building large molecules such as proteins

2. active transport of molecules and ions

3. Contraction of muscle cells producing movement

4. Why is oxygen used ?

4.1. Used to oxidise Food

5. Main food oxidize is glucose (as sugar)

6. Cells need a source of energy

7. Chemical energy can be used for variety of purposes such as

8. Yeast which is single celled

9. Example of anaerobic respiration

10. Definition

10.1. Source of energy,by breaking down food molecules to release the stores chemical energy

11. Aerobic respiration

11.1. Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide +water(+energy)

11.2. Uses oxygen.

11.3. Release embers of the glucose in small amounts

11.4. Releases the most energy

12. Lactic acid

12.1. When glucose is broken down into a substance. When the blood cannot reach them fast enough to deliver enough oxygen fo aerobic respiration

12.2. Glucose -> lactic acid (+some energy)