The Revolutions of 1848

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The Revolutions of 1848 により Mind Map: The Revolutions of 1848

1. Causes

1.1. poor grain harvests

1.2. disease

1.3. unemployment

1.4. crime

1.5. feudal system

1.6. poor work place

2. People

2.1. Pope Pius IX in June 1846 elected

2.1.1. had liberal policies French Monarchy not popular

2.2. The Heidelberg liberals wanted constitution for Germany

2.3. Frederick Wiliam supported German colors to show revolutionary and conservative beliefs

2.4. Kossuth, a nationalist, tried to helped nationalized Magyar

2.5. Viennese citizens alienated by the use of military force against the civilian population

2.6. Austrian authorities abolished censorship of press

2.7. Urban middle class persons influenced by romanticizations of nationality

2.8. The Poles of Galicia drew up an address

2.9. Committee of Safety

2.10. Baron Wesselenyi in the Upper House of the Hungarian Diet

3. Events

3.1. Banquet banned by authorities in January

3.2. February protest at Hotel de Ville: socialists

3.2.1. for worker rights

3.3. Telegraph System helped spread word

3.4. February 27th, March Demands occurred

3.5. Federal Diet demanded for Constitutional reform March 8th

3.6. street fighting in Berlin led to together of branches of government

3.7. Empire of Austria authorized Hungarian political assembly

3.8. March 13th, Vienna streets fighting for liberal reforms

3.9. Habsburg administration faced demands for liberalising and nationalist concessions

3.10. fall from power of Metternich

3.11. 25 April the Austrian authorities issued an Imperial Patent

3.12. laws passed by the Hungarian Diet, administration being free of Austrian control

3.13. Austro-Slavism

3.14. Frantisek Palacký had declined to become involved in the proceedings at Frankfurt