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14th Amendment により Mind Map: 14th Amendment

1. Definitions

1.1. Indian Education Act

1.1.1. provides funds to Native Americans students from pre-school to graduate-level education

1.2. Civil Rights Acts

1.2.1. law guaranteed equal voting rights to all citizens removing former

1.3. Brown vs Board of Education

1.3.1. landmark case in the struggle for African American equality in the United States

1.4. Americans with Disabilities Act

1.4.1. protect the discrimination of other people such as the people who have disabilities

1.5. 13th Amendment

1.5.1. was issued for military action designed to weaken Confederacy, so the president had the authority to issue it

2. Origins

2.1. Black codes

2.1.1. stemmed from slave codes that made it illegal for slaves to read, write, own property, or travel without permission

2.1.2. states and local laws limited the rights of freed African Americans

2.2. Dred Scott

2.2.1. divided the nation between a proslavery South and the North

2.2.2. prevented African Americans from testifying in court or serving on a jury

2.2.3. 15th amendment was passed in 1870 And protected African Americans the right to vote

2.3. Pleasure vs Ferguson

2.3.1. establishes separate but equal for black America

2.3.2. Supreme Court decided the landmark Case of Brown vs Board of Education

2.3.3. separate but equal doctrine was the law of the land until 1954

3. Effects

3.1. Equal Pay

3.1.1. "No employer...shall discriminate...between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages to employees in such establishment in at a rate less than the rate at which he pays employees of the opposite sex in such establishment for equal work..." - Equal Pay Act 1963

3.1.2. man and women should receive equal pay

3.2. Equal Protection

3.2.1. written to protect people newly freed from slavery

3.2.2. in the 14th amendment, the end of the first section of the Constitution