登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録

1. have an energy cost

2. eat less meat

3. use less

3.1. use paper bags

3.2. use recycled paper

3.3. have more than 2 child

3.4. cancel junk mails

4. buy local food

4.1. buy fresh food

4.2. go to farmers

5. plant trees

5.1. tree

5.2. increase co2 credits

6. be a catalyst

6.1. learn more

6.2. your vote counts

6.3. talk to make literate

6.4. force yourself

6.5. be strong

7. travel

7.1. no high pollution travel

7.2. good travel

7.2.1. keep tyres full in air

7.2.2. walk

7.2.3. bike/bicycle

7.2.4. use public transport

8. switch to green power

9. home

9.1. use energy effeicient bulbs

9.2. choose energy effiecient applainces

9.3. turn off when not in use

9.4. dry clothes in sun

9.5. renewable resources

9.5.1. have solar power

9.5.2. insulation

10. car

10.1. fuel effiecient

10.1.1. hybrid

10.1.2. hvhhgfgh

10.2. car pool