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1. Velocity

1.1. Velocity

1.1.1. Velocity-time Graph

1.1.2. Speed with direction V= displacement/time

1.2. Average velocity

1.2.1. the total displacement divided by the time interval

1.3. Instantaneous velocity

1.3.1. specific point in the object's path

2. Speed

2.1. The distance an object travels per unit of time

2.1.1. s= distance/ time

3. Acceleration

3.1. Acceleration

3.1.1. The rate at which velocity changes

3.2. Average acceleration

3.2.1. average change in velocity

3.3. Constant acceleration

3.3.1. velocity changing at a constant rate

3.4. Acceleration formula

3.4.1. a= vf-vi/t

3.5. Units for acceleration

3.5.1. m/s

4. Force

4.1. push or pull

4.2. Net force

4.2.1. overall force on an object

4.3. force formula

4.3.1. f= ma

4.4. Units

4.4.1. Newtons (N)

5. Vector quantity

5.1. physical measurement with directional information

6. Distance

6.1. The length of path between two points.

6.2. Distance-time graph

7. Displacement

7.1. Distance and direction of an object's change in position from the starting point.

8. Time

8.1. Time

8.1.1. measurable period during a condition exists

8.2. Time interval

8.2.1. the time between two events

9. Scale

9.1. scalar quantity

9.1.1. physical quantity described by magnitude only and has no direction

9.2. mass

9.2.1. quantity of matter

9.3. weight

9.3.1. relative mass giving rise to a downward force

10. Macroscopic Object

10.1. objects large enough to be visible with the naked eye,

11. Particle Model

11.1. simplified version of a motion diagram in which the moving object is replaced by a series of single points