I´m ERASMUS student and I need

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I´m ERASMUS student and I need により Mind Map: I´m ERASMUS student and I need

1. Free Time

2. Choose a Country

2.1. Google

2.1.1. web

2.1.2. maps

2.2. Wikipedia

2.3. Blogs

3. Transport

3.1. from my Country

3.1.1. e-dreams

3.1.2. idos.cz

3.2. in the City

4. Communication

4.1. teachers

4.1.1. Emails

4.2. students

4.2.1. facebook

4.2.2. messenger

4.3. Embassy

4.3.1. Phone

4.3.2. Fax

5. Erasmus Life

5.1. Facebook

5.2. Messenger

5.3. Google

5.4. Blogs

6. Accomodation

7. Experiences