The effects of YogaTape on Hamstring strength deficits after static stretching on a Healthy popul...

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The effects of YogaTape on Hamstring strength deficits after static stretching on a Healthy population により Mind Map: The effects of YogaTape on Hamstring strength deficits after static stretching on a Healthy population

1. Effects of Stretching on a Muscle

1.1. Static

1.1.1. Stretching induced force deficit Effects greatest in the outer range of muscles

1.2. Dynamic

2. Yoga Movements

2.1. Slow

2.1.1. Slow movements requires increased demands in strength

2.2. End range movements

2.2.1. There is decreased muscle activation in end of range compared to mid-range

2.3. Holding Postures

3. Yoga Injuries

3.1. Types of Injuries

3.1.1. Strains

3.1.2. Sprains

3.1.3. Compression

3.2. Location of injuries

3.2.1. Neck

3.2.2. Trunk

3.2.3. Shoulder girdle

3.2.4. Achilles Tendon

3.2.5. Hamstrings

4. Effects of Non-Rigid tapes on a muscle

4.1. Pain

4.2. Range

4.3. Strength

4.4. Proprioception

5. Target Population

5.1. Demographics of people who do Yoga

5.2. People who are prone to injuries

5.2.1. Inflexible people

5.2.2. Level of Practice Begineers Advanced