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307 Goals and Objectives により Mind Map: 307 Goals and Objectives

1. Create

1.1. Create successful writing

1.2. Feel confident in my own abilities

1.3. Be able to write in whatever category is asked applying all my knowledge learned and prior knowledge to be a more successful student and future CDC worker

2. Rhetoric https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UE1m_9yfNCpnfcR5L_tqkyo0whLLCUGgxF-WirOn7qU/edit

2.1. Know your audience

2.2. Be able to write in a global business setting

2.3. Be able to write according to who (internal, external, etc.)

2.4. Be able to keep your writing strictly technical and to a business setting.

2.5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LhhoAhNCmJTv_GBrWHwvdfm9bZUyjtyo1W3c_LLGu3I/edit

3. Understand/ deconstruct (be able to take a part a piece of writing, (especially my own) and be able to go through it piece by piece. It also means knowing what is appropriate format for each genre or kind of writing. Ex) formal business memo. )

3.1. By understanding the Genre you are writing you will know how to properly write it

3.2. Be able to know what goes into each category or genre

3.2.1. By knowing this you will already have the prior knowledge of what is expected in each style of writing

3.2.2. Be able to deconstruct the expectations for each genre in order to fully know what you should be including in your writing

4. Evaluate and critique (Being able to read a document (even better your own) and see its' mistakes and analyze it. From there be able to critique the piece in order to improve it, and learn skills from each time.)

4.1. Evaluate writings in front of you

4.2. Be able to analyze them for information and style

4.3. Be able to evaluate my own writing as well as critique it

4.4. Be able to not just evaluate writing, but other forms of presentations such as oral or visual presentations.

5. Process https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YbjTy-71maJrP3OtjHmKNoBDodly_Zlo1kQvTWZPscM/edit

5.1. Evaluate my own writing

5.2. have a working rough draft to be able to rewrite

5.3. Be able to see ahead of myself where I want my DIRECT message and writing to go

5.4. Do the appropriate draft and work for each writing, every piece and audience is different

6. Reflect https://sites.google.com/s/0B_Hifev5B0xmSVB5Rzg4Q0ZoQlk/p/0B_Hifev5B0xmMXlVMGZzSTJMY00/edit?authuser=1(https://d2l.arizona.edu/d2l/le/590849/discussions/threads/4147010/View)

6.1. Know my own weaknesses

6.2. reflect on instructor comments

6.3. take feedback in a positive way

6.4. become a stronger writer in the long run for a professional setting

7. Staying on message (https://d2l.arizona.edu/d2l/le/590849/discussions/threads/4147010/View)

7.1. Do not go on creative segways

7.2. Keep a professional format

7.3. Know the format that is expected for the particular situation and be able to accommodate my writing to that form.