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D.E.C.I.D.E. により Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E.

1. Define your problem by understanding what bothers you. In this case, you don't want to do something in PE because you are scared to.

2. Scenario: During a PE lesson you are asked to climb on the rock climbing wall, but you are scared of heights.

2.1. Define your problem by understanding what bothers you. In this case, you don't want to do something in PE because you are scared to.

3. Explore the alternatives by considering every possible situation. You could tell the teacher you don't want to climb. You could climb till the point you become scared, and then fall. You could practice falling to make yourself comfortable with the auto-belay.

4. Consider the consequences. If you tell the teacher that you are too scared to climb, your friends might think you are not confident and your teacher will lower your grade for climbing. If you climb till the point you become scared, and then fall, you would have pushed yourself and your friends might still look down upon you because you can't climb, but your teacher will be impressed that you tried. This might affect your emotional wellness as your friends don't think you are cool and confident. If you test the auto-belay till you become comfortable with it, you might climb a lot further because the only thing inhibiting you is you fear of heights, not your ability to climb. While you test it, people may think that you are a bad climber, but once you get comfortable, you would be able to climb further than anyone else! Your friends will be quite impressed. The teacher will also give a good grade, not only for trying, but also for doing a great job of climbing. This makes your physical wellness better, as climbing is a good way of exercising your body.

5. Identify your values. You feel like it is important to be pushed out of your comfort zone, and like to be a risk taker. So you think that getting comfortable with the auto-belays is the best idea, as you will get out of your comfort zone to get comfortable with the auto-belays.

6. Decide and act. You realise that the best idea is to get comfortable with the auto-belays. The consequences favour you, and it fits your values pretty well. This is good for your emotional wellness, as you are happy, and is good for your spiritual wellness as you have inner peace.

7. Evaluate the results. Since you climbed, you feel a lot better that you found a new hobby and that you pushed yourself. Your friends also are impressed by what you have done. You get an exemplary for the climbing unit.