DEFINE THE PROBLEM: Breaking somebody's phone is a DECIDE worthy problem because it is a situatio...

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DEFINE THE PROBLEM: Breaking somebody's phone is a DECIDE worthy problem because it is a situation that needs to be fixed and requires you to think about how you act. により Mind Map: DEFINE THE PROBLEM: Breaking somebody's phone is a DECIDE worthy problem because it is a situation that needs to be fixed and requires you to think about how you act.

1. Evaluate the Results

1.1. After making my decision, I would learn to become an honest person and to own up to my mistakes. I would also learn to become more trustworthy by not lying.

2. Identify your values

2.1. By standing up for what you did, you become trustworthy over time and you get to keep your friendship.

2.2. If you back off, then you will be thought of as a liar. In addition, you could also lose your friend for being dishonest with them.

3. Decide and Act

3.1. If I were in this situation, at first I would back off, but after thinking about it carefully, it is better if I told my friend the truth

4. Consider the Consequences

4.1. By admitting to what you have done wrong, then your friend will be at first very angry at you. However, over time, you will be found as a trustworthy person to them.

4.2. By backing off, then you risk your friend finding out that you lied to them. They could also blame the phone breaking on another person, showing that you would put your own safety ahead of others.

5. Explore the Alternatives

5.1. Owning Up to the Situation

5.2. Backing Away from the Situation

6. This issue affects my social wellness because it requires me to think about how my decision influences both other people and me.