Look Here Mrs.Buchanan

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1. Overview of early Judaism part 1 | World History | Khan Academy

1.1. http://brewminate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/JudaismArt17.jpg

2. Political Impacts

2.1. Republican Party

2.1.1. The Israeli Government gives special preference to Judaism Jewish people want power Jews changed the American view on many important conflicts

3. Founder of Judaism

3.1. Abraham

3.1.1. Son of a Idol Merchant In the City of Wr Circa 1800 BCE

4. Social Impacts

4.1. Judaism came with lots of core values

4.1.1. Established Monotheism Shaped some of the nations biggest struggles promoted human equality

5. Video

6. Religious Art

7. Map of Spread

7.1. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e2/62/88/e2628812f0417d579080cf851facc3d2.jpg

8. Prophets speak true and Moses was the greatest prophet of them all

8.1. God will reward the good and punish the evil

8.1.1. The messiah will come The dead will be resurrected

9. Core Beliefs

9.1. They believe in one true God

10. Where It Spread and Why

10.1. It started in Mesopotamia when God ordered Abraham to travel West where he ended up in Cannan.

10.1.1. After awhile the Hebrews moved to the land of Egypt The population grew and grew till the Pharaoh got worried and enslaved the Jews Then a man named Moses appeared before the enslaved Jews and God commanded him to lead the Jews out of Egypt.

11. Sacred Texts

11.1. The Talmud

11.1.1. Jewish Law Book Divided into Six Parts Zera'im (Seeds), is about the laws on agriculture, prayer, and tithes Mo'ed (Festival), is about the sabbath and the festivals Nashim (Women), is about marriage, divorce and contracts – oaths Nezikin (Damages), is about the civil and criminal laws, the way courts operate and some further laws on oaths Kodashim (Holy Things), is about sacrificing and the laws of the Temple and the dietary laws Toharot (Purities), is about the laws of ritual purity and impurity. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/texts/talmud.shtml)

11.2. The Torah

11.2.1. The Jewish Holy Text https://www.google.com/search?q=Torah&safe=active&rlz=1CASMAE_enUS764US764&tbm=isch&imgil=tRpL7C9GXOOMUM%253A%253Bukk4F4he7fHm8M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.myjewishlearning.com%25252Farticle%25252Fthe-torah%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=tRpL7C9GXOOMUM%253A%252Cukk4F4he7fHm8M%252C_&usg=__ivopWKCKTP58yvmcfohyI2n-1Aw%3D

12. Religious Artifacts

12.1. Torah

13. Origin and Spread of Judaism