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Understanding Autism により Mind Map: Understanding Autism

1. Behaviors

1.1. Stimming

1.1.1. A self stimulatory behavior Repetitive physical or object movements ex., hand flapping, rocking, jumping, etc.

1.2. Sensory sensitivity

1.2.1. Their senses can either be very sensitive or not at all Touch, smells, noise can be overwhleming Different textures or smells can affect their choice in foods they eat.

1.2.2. Occupational Therapists have an important role when it comes to their motor and sensory skills

1.3. Emotional irregularities

1.3.1. Kids with autism may overreact to certain "minor" situations or vise versa

1.4. Tantrums or outbursts

1.4.1. Happen when they become overwhelmed

1.4.2. Behavior therapists work with kids with autism

2. Secondary Conditions

2.1. Sleeping issues

2.2. Anxiety

2.2.1. Medication can help reduce anxiety to improve behaviors

2.3. Attention deficiency

2.4. Picky eaters

2.5. ADHD

3. Signs & Symptoms

3.1. Difficult to communicate

3.1.1. Speech may come late if at all

3.1.2. Speech Therapists are crucial

3.2. Delay in or not reaching milestones

3.2.1. No expressions

3.2.2. No babbling

3.2.3. No back & forth gestures

3.2.4. No words

3.3. Some kids may not respond to affection

3.4. Dysfunction with their vestibular system

3.4.1. Clumsiness

3.4.2. Sensitive to sudden movements

3.4.3. Excessive body movements Spinning Jumping Rocking back & forth

4. Neurological disorder

4.1. The brain processes information differently

4.2. There is no definite cause

4.2.1. Not caused by vaccines

4.2.2. No evidence to prove it was because of an event during pregnancy

4.3. Medication can be used to treat conditions caused by Autism

4.3.1. All medications start in low dosage