Should Cannabis be labeled as a performance enhancing drug?

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Should Cannabis be labeled as a performance enhancing drug? により Mind Map: Should Cannabis be labeled as a performance enhancing drug?

1. pharmaceutical companies want your MONEY!

1.1. why you should avoid taking over the counter meds and prescription drugs

1.2. the long term affects and side effects from prescription drugs

1.3. how they are building a monopoly over cannabis and preventing it from truly being used

2. why vaporizing is the best way to consume cannabis

2.1. reap most of the benfitits since it is the highest absorbed rate for cannabis

2.2. less cannabis is needed than smoking through a pipe or ciggarette

2.3. no combustion is occuring and the cannabis is being baked instead of burned

3. Other places around globe that have legalized cannabis

3.1. Amsterdan and their low crime rates

3.1.1. how cannabis influences low crime rate

4. History

4.1. what caused the ban on cannabis (adam ruins everything)

4.2. why smoking in moderation and cannabis baths have dated back to the millenials

4.3. what brought cannabis to be frowned upon and how it is still going on today

5. marketing aspect of cannabis

5.1. Opportunity for entreprenuers to excel in a booming business

5.2. stocks skyrocketing for cannabis

5.2.1. What this means for future business owners

5.2.2. How does this all tie in

5.2.3. How much tax revenue is possibly generated from this Top Priorities Medium Priorities Low Priorities

5.3. Recent states and their progress

5.3.1. colorado and its first year

5.3.2. washington and their profits

5.3.3. california and their profits

6. How to use in moderation

6.1. measurements and how much should be used per individual

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personnel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.2. why some people have bad experiences and others dont

6.3. different ways on consumption: smoking, edibles, vaporizing

7. Benefits

7.1. Use of moderation

7.2. stress reliever

7.3. Muscle recovery

8. why sports label cannabis as a "performance enhancing drug" and why it should not be labeled as such.

8.1. recovery rate and how it is shortened after use

8.1.1. how is this any different than using over the counter pain killers?

8.1.2. my methods of recovery medicine bath stretching how much I consume to relax

8.2. negative aspect of how modern day society views cannabis

8.2.1. perfect example of how pharmaceutical companies are monopolising the industry and kicking cannabis out

8.2.2. how pharmaceutical companies are still getting away with it

8.3. Athletes who openly admit to using the benefits of cannabis

8.3.1. joe rogan and his story

8.3.2. my input and personal use

8.3.3. arnold schwarzenegger and his story