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1. Social Media is addictive.

1.1. Sitting on social media can lead to a neglect in personal life and/or responsibilities.

1.1.1. An example of this is how easy it is to get carried away. One youtube video you are watching may have an interesting video in its suggestion that you will take the time to watch, and then another, and another. Mental health is the biggest consequence of this. Social media can come in the middle of personal lief and responsibilites which can lead to consequences for the long run. Are some people more prone to social media addiction than others?

2. Social Media is an illusion.

2.1. People often start blogs on instagram because of interest but very few of those accounts stay true to themselves and go on. Often times, the competition of likes and comments and followers takes away from the inspirational part of social media.

2.1.1. This is often seen in personal accounts, too. Some people can see social media as a way to get inspired or connect to the world, while others will see it as a platform for showing off how popular you are. A consequence to this is that with this mindset, that social media is an illusion, people can't actually see the good side of it. This thought is either very extreme or not, so for people that believe social media is an illusion, they won't see the good side of it. How can this problem be addressed?

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2.2.1. There are apps that make it seem like you have a 1000 likes on all your instagram pictures. This is a prime illusion because people are faking their likes.

3. Impact of competition on one's self affects self esteem.

3.1. As stated before, social media is one big form of competition and showing off what one person has. Its actually proven that comparing ourselves with others is mentally unhealthy.

3.1.1. A big example of this is body image ideals and standards for men and women seen on social media. Again, social media is a platform for showing off and competing with others for who has the best of something. Seeing the constand body image ideals for men and women, both, can lead to unhealthy insecurities and decisions. The consequence of this is the impact this has on mental health. The example I gave can lead to eating disorders and that is just one of the many possibilites that could happen. Generally, setting standards on social media can lead to mental health defects. How can one use social media but remain unaffected by this competition?

4. Social Media brings a lack of privacy to people.

4.1. Creating a social media account is like signing away your privacy. What you put on social media is stripped from you with a single post on the internet. People can find out where you live, who you are friends with, what you do.

4.1.1. An example of this has been seen in all of our lives. We all know how easy it is to stalk someone on instagram or facebook and how much information that can get us. The biggest consequence of this impact is the impact itself. When any type of social media account is created, you are slowly being stripped of your privacy because you don't know where that post or information about you could end up. Are most people really concerned about this trade, or does the lack of privacy not bother them?

5. Generally, social media creates an atmosphere of antisocial-ness.

5.1. A combination of many things on social media, but generally the need to keep up with whats happening in the lives of other people makes you less involved with your life or the people that actually matter in your life.

5.1.1. This impact is relatable to all of us because we have all been in that position where everyone in a room is on their phones. This antisocial-ness that we have witnessed brings the consequence of lacking communication skills. People know how to communicate online so well that during the long run, they forget how to communicate and this will only worsen as the generations go by, with the progessing of technology and social media. What are the consequences of this decline in communication skills?

6. Works Cited:

6.1. Works Cited for Mindmap

7. Because Social media is a communication medium, it can be used as a voice of reason in society.(Manovich)

7.1. Communicating to the world, expressing yourself, talking to people around the world.

7.1.1. "Communication between users, including conversations around user-generated content, takes place through a variety of forms . . ." (Manovich 320) Can lead to disputes, spread of negativity, hate, anonymity can be taken too far (you can write something online that you wouldn't say in person and it can't be taken back). Are these voices of reason actually heard, or are they just broadcasted to be forgotten?

8. "Web infrastructure and software allow such conversations to become distributed in space and time." (Manovich)

8.1. Any communication on the internet or on social media is literally endless. Anyone can reply from whereever they are or whenever they want. It literally connects the world because through this distribution of space and time, many other people can join in. Its endless.

8.1.1. "The web has millions of conversations taking place at the same time"(Manovich). As brilliant as it is for so many forms of communication to be happening at once, it does not prevent the conflict that is inevitable from happening when taking in the opinions and viewpoints of more than a few people online. This generally will lead to the spread of hate or negativity to prove a point. Are these "comversations" actually productive, informed debates, or do they often become more childish and opinionated?

9. Social media is used by politicians to promote campaigns and generate a diverse audience.

9.1. During Obama's election, it was a time when social media was gaining popularity. He used Facebook to reach out to the young people in America and to gain popularity by appealing to them.

9.1.1. Chris Hughes, one of the co-founders of Facebook, left Facebook shortly after the Obama administration contacted him for help to promote the campaign. He is known as the kid who made Obama president because of how he helped Obama appeal to younger voters through social media. (McGirt) A consequence of politicians using social media for promotion in their campaign would be that this is only a method to appeal to the younger generation. A politician can't only rely on social media for campaigning and communicating with his people because they wouldn't be reaching out to the older generation, which makes up most of the active voter population. Perhaps the ease of communication between politicians and people would lead them to put less effort and thought in their requests.

10. Social media has opened up a whole new form of inspiring people in new and different genres. It "offers representation unheard of in mainstream media.

10.1. Personally speaking, I find that I have found myself through social media because of how inspired I am every day by what I see. The fashion industry and pop culture, for example. Social media has helped me grow my interest in that and inspires me to want to work for London and NYC fashion week one day.

10.1.1. I am an example of this impact. I first learned about the Kardashians through social media and was always intrigued at how they dressed so intricately and what they wore. This led me to learning about different brands they wore, models that I admire, and discovering a whole new world of makeup and fashion. A consequence of this is that social media can often become an illusion. People often get so caught up with getting likes and followers and comments that it becomes inauthentic. Is this new "form" of inspiration really better, or is it maybe superficial?

11. Social media enables Creativity and Innovation.

11.1. People have made careers out of social media. Literally. There are so many social media influencers that have made a living off of making youtube videos, or getting insta-famous, or making one minute makeup tutorials on instagram.

11.1.1. An example would be Jeffree Star. His big fan following has given him the option of literally living off of making youtube videos and instagram tutorials. A consequence is how difficult it is to get famous on the internet. You have to stand out in a different way to get people to watch you and it takes years of dedication and hard work to get creditted for that creativity. Would social media perhaps also be taking away jobs from those who previously occupied themselves in traditional media?