Artificial Intelligence - Research Papers, Journals & Videos

The state of AI - acceptance and use in the pro coaching community

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Artificial Intelligence - Research Papers, Journals & Videos af Mind Map: Artificial Intelligence - Research Papers, Journals & Videos

1. Research, Journals & Videos

1.1. Thoughtful Articles

1.1.1. How AI will affect the future of coaching

1.1.2. 3 Trends that will Shape the Future of Coaching

1.1.3. 11 Future-Forward Ways To Evolve Coaching Practices In 2022

1.1.4. Reflective Practice

1.1.5. Forbes - How Leaders Are Investing In Artificial Intelligence To Improve Public Relations

1.1.6. Meta & AI Research

1.1.7. Stanford AI

1.1.8. Scientific Progress - This is the Way

1.1.9. The Future of Humanism

1.2. Advantages of AI Coaching (WBECS)

1.2.1. ICF Position

1.2.2. State of Coaching - Practice Report 2022

1.3. Gartner Hype Cycle Infographics

1.3.1. What’s New in Artificial Intelligence from the 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle

1.4. Research

1.4.1. Open AI

1.4.2. DALL-E cleo abram

1.4.3. GPT-3

1.5. Greylock Partners

1.5.1. AI Human Factors

1.5.2. Sam Altman - Open AI

1.5.3. The Intelligent Future

1.5.4. Social Intelligence

1.5.5. Persuasion through Story

1.5.6. Open AI Reid Hoffman