Computational Thinking & Coding

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Computational Thinking & Coding af Mind Map: Computational Thinking & Coding

1. Computational Thinking in the Curriculum

1.1. Years F - 2

1.1.1. Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004)

1.2. Year 3 - 4

1.2.1. Define simple problems, and describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve them (ADTDIP010)

1.2.2. Implement simple digital solutions as visual programs with algorithms involving branching (decisions) and user input (ACTDIP011)

1.3. Year 5 - 6

1.3.1. Design a user interface for a digital system (ACTDIP018)

1.3.2. Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching and iteration (repetition) (ACTDIP019)

1.3.3. Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition) and user input (ACTDIP020)

2. Creating Solutions

3. Words Associated with Computational Thinking

3.1. Problem Solving

3.2. Creativity

3.3. Cummunication

3.4. Collaboration

3.5. Computing

3.6. Critical Thinking

4. Coding Website & Applications Challenges

4.1. CoderDojo WA: create clubs with your class and online professional learning.

4.2. Scratch: Create your own stories, games and animations

4.3. HTML & CSS: builds webpages

4.4. JAVASCRIP: programming languageT

4.5. PYTHON: general purpose programming

4.6. RUBY: programming language

4.7. PHP: scripting language

5. Computational Thinking

5.1. A problem solving method that involves various techniques and strategies that can be implemented by digital systems. Techniques and strategies could include: organising data logically, breaking down problems into parts, defining abstract concepts, and designing and using algorithms, patterns and models.

6. Coding

6.1. Meaning of Coding: Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. Your browser, your OS, the apps on your phone, Facebook, and this website – they’re all made with code.

7. Main Terms

7.1. Decomposition

7.1.1. Breaking down data, processes, problems into smaller parts

7.2. Pattern Recognition

7.2.1. Patterns, trends and data

7.3. Abstraction

7.3.1. General principles to patterns

7.4. Algorithm

7.4.1. Step by step instructions

8. Cross-Curricular

8.1. English

8.2. HASS

8.3. Food tech

8.4. Maths

8.5. Science

8.6. Phys Ed

8.7. Languages

9. Technological applications that assist in computational thinking

10. Coding PD:

10.1. Scitech PL: What, how and why