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Community Vitality by Mind Map: Community Vitality

1. Indexes

1.1. Vital Signs

1.2. Community vitality initative

1.3. Community Accounts

1.4. GPI Atlantic

1.5. Canadian Index of Well-being

1.6. Composite learning index

1.7. Happy Planet Index

1.8. Global peace index

1.9. Housing and Transportation Affordability Index

2. Maps

2.1. Climate change in Nova Scotia

2.2. Open source maps

2.3. Cancer Atlas

2.4. BBC Resilience Maps

2.5. Top 100 Infrastructure Projects

2.6. FedEx Data

2.7. Open Innovation Map

2.8. CommonSpace US Map

2.9. FAO Maps

3. Tools

3.1. Sense of community index

3.2. Quality of life reporting system

3.3. Resource and energy analysis programme

3.4. ICLEI Star rating system

3.5. State of the Future Index

3.6. 2050 GHG Calculator

4. Concepts

4.1. Gross national happiness

4.2. Vibrant communities

4.3. Open planet ideas

5. Research projects

5.1. The Millennium Project

5.2. US Obesity Trends

5.3. Diabetes in Toronto