Anaphylactic Shock: acute, life threatening hypersentivity (allergic) reaction
por Jordan Frantzen
1. Signs and symptoms
1.1. swelling of the conjuctiva
1.2. runny nose
1.3. swelling of lips, tongue, and /or throat, angioedema
1.4. CNS: lightheadedness, loss of consciouness, confusion, headache, anxiety, dizziness, sense of impending doom
1.5. Heart and vascular: fast or slow heart rate, low blood pressure, chest pain
1.6. respiratory: shortness of breath, wheezes or stridors, hoarseness, pain with swelling, cough
1.7. skin: hives, itchiness, flushing, pruritus, urticaria
1.8. pelvic pain
1.9. gastointesinal: cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomitting
1.10. los of bladder control
2. distributive Shock
2.1. blood voloume is not lost but it is distributed into the interstitial tissue where it cannot circulate and deilver oxygen
2.2. caused by loss of sympathetic tone, blood vessel dilation, poooling of blood in venous and capillary beds, capillary leaks
2.3. neurogenic shock
2.4. anaphalatic
2.5. septsis
3. Immunity
3.1. Active vs Passive Immunity
3.1.1. you make your won antibodies to fight the pathogen; long lasting
3.1.2. you gent antibodies from different organisms, you dont make your own; short lasting
3.2. active
3.2.1. naturally Acquired: immunity gained thrugh illness and recovery
3.2.2. artificilally acquired: immuntiy acquired through vaccinations
3.3. passive
3.3.1. naturally acquired: immunity acquired from antibodies passed in breatsmilk or through placema
3.3.2. artifically acquired: immunity gained through antibodies harvested from another pesron or an animal