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Alternate Story by Mind Map: Alternate Story

1. intro

1.1. emperor

1.1.1. vain

1.1.2. careless

1.1.3. loved to dress up

1.2. minister

1.2.1. honored

1.3. people

1.3.1. happy

1.4. the same as original

2. characters

2.1. emperor

2.1.1. vain, but wise, able to learn from its mistakes

2.2. minister

2.2.1. honored - stupid - honored

2.3. child

2.3.1. honest, outspoken, successful in life

2.4. swindlers

2.4.1. corrupt, bad

3. turning point

3.1. When the emperor finds out real values for ruling and starts listening to his people indstead of focusing on clothes

4. moral

4.1. Clothes doesn't rule a country

4.1.1. .

4.2. Stupidity is 'not using your brain and listening to the people - especially children :-)'

4.3. Swindlers are punished

4.4. don't forget the child within you

5. plot

5.1. Stupid emperor - task - wise emperor

5.2. learning from his mistakes

6. happy end

6.1. Swindlers caught and convicted

6.2. Children are made part of the emperors advisers

6.3. The old honored minister is wise and saves the emperor

6.4. The emperor forgets about clothes and rules his country wisely

7. Nouveau sujet