1. B. Behavior
1.1. Identify indices of motivational indicators from watching group interactions
1.2. Perform role-plays to demonstrate their understanding
1.3. Perform well on quizzes on facts and principles learned in class
2. D. Degree
2.1. 80% of students will have a B average on quizzes
2.2. Identify at least 3 motivational indicators from watching group interactions
2.3. Perform 5-minute role-plays to demonstrate understanding
3. Course Structure
3.1. Professor Training
3.1.1. How to teach an online class
3.1.2. Multimedia (blogs, video)
3.1.3. How to use the technology (grading, monitoring the message boards)
3.2. Lectures
3.3. Discussions
3.4. Online Sections
3.4.1. Different difficulty levels
4. A. Audience
4.1. 300 university students from a variety of backgrounds
4.2. Some shy
4.3. Some not proficient in English
5. C. Condition
5.1. Lecture-based
5.2. No technology
5.3. Conventional blackboard
6. E. Evaluation
6.1. Quizzes
6.1.1. 80% of students will have a B average
6.1.2. No more than 5% of students fail quizzes
6.2. Diagnostic Test
6.2.1. Top 10% will be placed in advanced section Extra challenging assignments
6.2.2. B and C level students will be divided into sections Extra TAs available to help
6.3. Student Course Reviews
6.3.1. Bi-weekly
6.3.2. Students share their opinions about the class Difficulties Things that work for them Ease of submitting assignments Less than 1% of students are unable to submit assignments or use the course materials Effectiveness of course materials Instruction quality 80% mark instruction quality "Great" or "Good" Access to teacher and TAs 90% of the the time they wanted to contact a TA, they were able to
6.4. Homepage Activity
6.4.1. At least 100 homepage hits during the course
6.5. Discussion Posts
6.5.1. 3 posts / week
6.6. Blogs
6.6.1. Video Blog Skits and role-plays
6.6.2. Standard Blog Write about daily course material Connect the material to your academic background 9 / 10 motivational indicators are identified in blog posts
7. Course Materials
7.1. Videos
7.2. Quizzes
7.2.1. Facts
7.2.2. Principles
7.2.3. 20 multiple-choice questions per week
7.3. Lecture Slides
7.4. Message Board
7.5. TA Pages
7.5.1. Contact information
7.5.2. Online office hours via instant message
7.5.3. List of each discussion section