Kate McElvaney's Professional Learning Network

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Kate McElvaney's Professional Learning Network by Mind Map: Kate McElvaney's Professional Learning Network

1. Diigo

1.1. My Groups

1.2. I can bookmark and annotate important websites to share with colleagues in my school.

2. Google Reader

2.1. RSS Power

2.2. I subscribe to different blogs and websites, letting my news come to me!

2.3. Sites and articles of import I can save or share.

3. Wiki

3.1. Web 2.0 How to for Educators

3.2. Share new knowledge with others and allow them to collaborate.

4. Blogging

4.1. Shower Epiphanies: Reflections of an Educator and Learner

4.2. Share my learning process, ideas for tech-savvy leadership and technology integration.

5. Twitter

5.1. I tweet my latest posts!

5.2. I follow educational organizations!

5.2.1. ASCD

5.2.2. ED Leadership

5.2.3. NAIS

5.3. I follow educational leaders!

5.3.1. David Warlick

5.3.2. Jamie Feild Baker Personal Todo List Vacation Planning Meeting Minutes Project Plan more...

5.3.3. Edna Sackson Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Compare Editions

5.4. I follow colleagues!

5.4.1. Jay Underwood

5.4.2. George Haines

5.4.3. Katherine Scragg

5.5. I follow inspiration!

5.5.1. MindShift

5.5.2. Ted Talks


6.1. To Connect

6.2. To Contribute

6.3. To Collaborate