Science Disciplines Involved in Environmental Science and their Related Careers.

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Science Disciplines Involved in Environmental Science and their Related Careers. por Mind Map: Science Disciplines Involved in  Environmental Science and their Related  Careers.

1. Biology;

1.1. organisms and their relationship with the environment around them, using the basic principles of ecology.

1.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: anatomy, physiology morphology in regards to plant and animal structure, function and behavior.

2. Chemistry;

2.1. the study of the structure, properties, composition, mechanisms, and reactions of organic compounds. An organic compound is defined as any compound based on a carbon skeleton. Physical chemistry is the study of the physical and fundamental basis of chemical systems and processes.

2.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: Analytical chemist. Chemical engineer. Healthcare scientist, clinical biochemistry. Forensic scientist.

3. Physics;

3.1. science that studies matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force

3.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: Aeronautical Engineer. Agricultural Engineer. Air Traffic Controller. Airline Pilot. Archaeologist. Architect. Astronomer.

4. Oceanography;

4.1. since the oceans are vast and there are many different things to study within them, the topics within oceanography vary but include such things as marine organisms and their ecosystems, ocean currents, waves, seafloor geology

4.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: ological - studying marine plants and animals. physical - exploring water temperature, density, wave motion, tides and currents. geological - examining the structure and make-up of the ocean floor.

5. Ecology;

5.1. a study between the relationships between living organism, and its physical environments; it seeks to understand the important connections between plants, animals, and the world around them.

5.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: Park Naturalist, Environmental Consultant restoration Ecologist

6. Atmospheric Science;

6.1. Atmospheric sciences focus on the Earth's atmosphere, with an emphasis upon its interrelation to other systems

6.1.1. CAREERES RELATED: meteorology, greenhouse gas phenomena, atmospheric dispersion modeling of airborne contaminants

7. Statistics;

7.1. tatistics is the science of learning from data, and of measuring, controlling, and communicating uncertainty; and it thereby provides the navigation essential for controlling the course of scientific and societal advances.


8. Computer Science;

8.1. the theoretical study and practical application of computation, including such topics as: design and maintenance of software systems, distributed systems, human-computer interaction, and more.

8.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: Software Developer. Database Administrator. Computer Hardware Engineer. Computer Systems Analyst. Computer Network Architect. Web Developer.

9. Human Geography;

9.1. s a branch of social science that focuses on the relationships between human societies and the built and natural environments in which they operate. You will have the opportunity to learn about topics of real world concern through supervised research projects.

9.1.1. CAREERS RELATED: Location Analyst. Market Research Analyst Medical Geographer. Map Librarian. Historic Preservationist. Political Analyst.