Dangerous Highschool Situations and Solutions

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Dangerous Highschool Situations and Solutions by Mind Map: Dangerous Highschool Situations and Solutions

1. Different types of violence and their impacts

1.1. In any form, violence and abuse profoundly affect individual health and well - being

1.2. Physical Violence

1.3. Emotional Violence

1.4. Psychological Violence

1.5. Cultural violence

1.6. Verbal Abuse

1.7. Neglect

1.8. Domestic violence

2. Support Services in Preventing Violence

2.1. Women's Resource and Drop in Centre

2.2. Society for community peace

3. Peer Pressure

3.1. can lead to issues such as drug abuse, alchohol abuse, and circumstances with group dynamics where you could unintentionally be involving yourself with "the wrong crowd"

3.1.1. could end up hurting other people by just association and leading to rumours or gossip of what is said

3.1.2. look to situations leading to injury for more on drug and alcohol abuse

4. Aggressive people

4.1. impulsive decisions

5. Poor /Abusive Relationships

5.1. Controlling Behaviours

6. Recognizing Bullying Behaviour

6.1. possessive

6.2. continuous

6.2.1. in order for it to be considered bullying as discussed in younger ages it has to be done more than once one mean comment although distructive can be considered differently than bullying as it is not continuous on one participant

6.3. targeted

6.4. need to reach out to guardians and school faculty / admin and teachers

7. Rumours / Gossiping

7.1. strongly hurt self esteem

7.2. create untruthful situations and standards of people

7.2.1. result in problem circumstances

7.3. rude and create rivalries

7.4. talking behind peoples backs

7.4.1. the truth still leaks and ends up hurting the participant being talked about

7.5. contact someone like the social advisor in your school who can help with friendship issues

7.5.1. if problem and words used are strong enough to spark real problems and concern drastic measures can and will be taken acts with the principals and certain policies are put in place

8. Incompetent people

8.1. group work and situations

8.1.1. dealing with how to navigate them without snapping and losing it on people

8.2. the baffoons of the world

8.3. can't always open your mouth because a fight may result

8.3.1. need to learn to bite your tongue

8.4. avoidance

8.5. bullying

9. Avoidance Techniques

9.1. distance yourself from the problem

10. Miscommunication

10.1. see relationships

10.2. Creates crossed boundaries

10.3. members uncomfortable with situation

10.3.1. but because of not communicating situation can escalate and put you in a risk situation

11. Respect

11.1. has to be held in all parties of situations in order to prevent other issues arriving in the start of another or continuing/making worse of a situation.

12. Situations Leading to Injury

12.1. Drug abuse

12.1.1. future effects on health addiction Dropping out of school not getting diplomas and courses from university to then get a decent career or job not having proper support than can be provided from faculty and admin Life and Death Situations driving well under the influence Therapy needed for all of these issues sources need to be provided for members as well as family and relatives

12.2. Alcohol abuse

12.2.1. similar circumstances to drug abuse Driving under the influence harm yourself harm others

12.3. Depression

12.3.1. isolation from others distancing yourself relationship issues Family issues friendship issues social life and time with other people disappear social skills vanish school grades drop

12.4. Fighting

12.4.1. injury statuses

13. High Risk Situations

13.1. Bullying

13.2. Depression

13.3. negative school conflict

14. Applying Possible Solutions

14.1. keep conversation open with admin and faculty of school

14.1.1. if a situation occurs that creates a circumstance in which you do not feel comfortable you must talk to someone whether this starts off small finding someone you feel you can trust, to a larger scale of support services and counseling. talking to someone is never going to get you in more trouble, even if thats what the situation feels like

14.2. keep conversation open with your family members, relatives, guardians. This allows them to be involved in the happenings of your life and help to direct tricky issues

14.2.1. this can help in preventing a problem instead of fixing an issue after its resulted

15. Hazing

15.1. Gangs

15.1.1. don't get involved with people in gangs stay away from situations that involve people you do not feel comfortable around

15.1.2. Peer Pressure

15.1.3. Keep conversation open with family members and friends, potentially school admin if the situation involves school if you are going somewhere that may not feel comfortable or safe, notify someone the place you are going and particular time you should be back at this provides a solution if you get in a risky situation someone is thinking about you and find help

15.2. being forced into something you are not prepared or comfortable for

15.2.1. need to reach out to a teacher but you're worried if you do this you will get into even more trouble and they will beat you up even more to recover from these panic thoughts you must first realize by talking to somebody even though you may be worried they will hurt you even more, their are support services and helpful adults that can and will keep you safe if you are able to remain calm and explain the situation rationally.

16. Popularity

16.1. depression can result if too much pressure is placed and jealousy and envy

16.1.1. "cliques and group dynamics" Loneliness

17. Dramatic People

17.1. can raise situations and create problems out of seemingly nothing

17.2. sometimes may have to be ignored as if they are not shown interest in , they themselves may lose interest

17.2.1. can look for drama and can be used as a form of harassment on people because of social media aspects and popularity aspects. social life can be affected and relationships broken

17.3. rumours created

17.3.1. detrimental affects on self esteem

18. Harassment

18.1. little minions who follow you around everywhere

18.2. continuous remarks and comments with intentions of hurt

18.3. connect to other forms and high risk situations

19. Policies

19.1. school admin

19.1.1. code of conduct

19.1.2. zero tolerance

19.1.3. codes

19.1.4. conducting awareness

19.1.5. helpline

19.1.6. discipline

19.2. expectations

19.2.1. counseling

20. Relationships

20.1. navigating a relationship is tricky thing and you have to make sure respect is held in members.

20.1.1. if issues arise of a controlling partner you must communicate your concerns if this ends up heightening the anger in the situation this is a major safety issue in a relationship of any kind, including friendships and family relationships come to a negotiated agreement and compromise

21. Revenge

21.1. is not the answer