Geography of Ireland

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Geography of Ireland by Mind Map: Geography of Ireland

1. Rivers

1.1. Major rivers

1.1.1. Shannon

1.1.2. Nore

1.1.3. Suir

1.1.4. Barrow

1.2. Longest river

2. Lakes

2.1. Major lakes

2.1.1. Lough Derg

2.1.2. Lough Neagh

2.2. Largest lake

3. Major cities

3.1. Dublin

3.1.1. Population = _____ New node

3.2. Cork

3.2.1. Population = _____

3.3. Galway

3.3.1. Population = _____

3.4. Capital city

4. Mountains

4.1. Mountain ranges

4.1.1. Wicklow Mountains

4.1.2. MacGillicuddy Reeks

4.2. Highest peak

4.2.1. Carantoohill

5. Bays and inlets

5.1. Killala Bay

5.2. Galway Bay