1. Rhetorical Knowledge
1.1. Identify, articulate, and focus on a defined purpose
1.1.1. (CH1) You have to decide what you want to say before you can begin your design.
1.1.2. (CH2) Emphasis can be used to bring attention to your focus or main purpose.
1.1.3. (CH4) Good balance helps to bring a viewers attention to the most important parts of your design without leaving them confused when used properly.
1.1.4. (CH6) One of the most useful ways to really drive a point home is repetition. Nothing says importance like multiple appearances.
1.2. Respond to needs of appropriate audience
1.2.1. (CH1) You may need to modify how your page looks depending on the impression you want to give to the viewer.
1.3. Respond properly to different rhetorical situations
1.3.1. (CH6) Repetition should be used differently depending on the audience you are reaching out to and the situation at hand.
1.4. Use proper conventions, format, and structure to the rhetorical situation
1.4.1. (CH2) It is important to put the proper emphasis on certain levels of design.
1.4.2. (CH7) One should always consider the audience at hand before structuring the flow of a page because different cultures may have learned to start and navigate through documents differently.
1.5. Adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality
1.6. Understand how each genre helps to shape writing and how readers respond to it
1.7. Write indifferent genres
1.8. Use appropriate technologies to organize, present, and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes, and genres
1.9. Understand the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, managing, and communicating information
2. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
2.1. Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
2.1.1. D#1 HW#9 Writing Instructions Know that people do not normally like to read instructions even when they really need them so you should keep them simple and short. Use numbered lists to help organize instructions and try to begin your steps with verbs. Make sure that you do not include more information than what is absolutely necessary. Be sure to know the process well enough that you can write useful instructions. Do not be afraid to try the instructions yourself to make sure that they play out correctly.
2.2. Integrate previously held beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others to accomplish a specific purpose within a context
3. Processes
3.1. Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text
3.1.1. (CH1) Thumbnails should be used to help decide what design will be turned into a comprehensive and shown to your client
3.2. Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proof-reading
3.3. Understand the collaborative and social aspects of research and writing processes
3.3.1. (CH1) Create thumbnails that others can see so that they may critique them
3.4. Use appropriate technologies to manage data and information collected or generated for future use
4. Knowledge of Conventions
4.1. Learn common formats for different genres
4.1.1. (CH1) Your design may look different depending on the impression you are trying to give to a particular audience.
4.2. Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics
4.2.1. (CH5) Clean alignment can mean the difference between whether or not a reader will be able to comfortably view important content such your business flyers and interpret them correctly.
4.3. Understand and apply legal and ethical uses of information and technology including copyright and intellectual property
4.3.1. (D#7HW#7) Copyright on a product of any kind is created the moment that it comes in to existence. Fair use allows for some use of these protected materials but it is limited to parody, commentary, and criticizing. There is also a creative commons option that allows people to give consent for certain uses of their material with out having to directly ask them.
5. Personal Goals
5.1. Learn how to create interesting online content that people will enjoy
5.1.1. (CH4) Proper balance is an important part of creating a webpage that will ultimately allow a viewer to guide themselves around a page in the intended manner.
5.1.2. (CH5) Alignment is extremely important to a well designed page. There is a deeply-seated desire for properly aligned structures in human psychology.
5.1.3. (CH6) Repetition can pull a page together in a way that makes a web design look very professional and well thought out.
5.2. Develop a recognizable voice in my written content
5.3. Become more patient with the process of developing complex ideas
5.3.1. (CH1) You will have to take a good deal of time deciding what you want to say, deciding your audience, picking a format and creating rough drafts to have a good finished product.