Implementing Agile Team Workshop

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Implementing Agile Team Workshop by Mind Map: Implementing Agile Team Workshop

1. Commitments

1.1. Regular delivery of high-quality working software

1.2. Transparency into workings of process

1.3. Daily visibility of progress

1.3.1. What is the value?

1.4. Frequent opportunities to select most important items for development

1.5. Make ongoing efforts to increase quantity, frequency, lead time to delivery

2. Day 1 Morning

2.1. Goals for Agile

2.1.1. Optimize existing processes

2.1.2. Deliver with high quality

2.1.3. Improve lead time with predictability

2.1.4. Improve employee satisfaction

2.1.5. Provide slack to enable improvement

2.1.6. Simplify prioritization

2.1.7. Provide transparency on system design and operation

2.1.8. Design a process to enable emergence of high maturity org

2.2. Agile Intro

2.2.1. Ball flow game

2.2.2. Penny game

2.2.3. Name game

2.2.4. Cover concepts

2.3. Learning tools

2.3.1. Blackout bingo

2.3.2. Define / match terms

3. Supplies

3.1. Projector or large monitor

3.2. Board materials (me)

3.3. Flip chart

4. Build team board

4.1. Start with current value stream

4.2. Start / exit points for controlling work

4.3. Visualize work queues

4.4. Establish limits

4.4.1. Suggest something, bring down until hurts, continue down until hurts differently

4.5. Define set of work items

4.5.1. Defects Different classes?

4.5.2. Emergencies

4.5.3. New development / enhancements

4.5.4. Intangibles

4.6. Input coordination - prioritization meeting

4.6.1. Who

4.6.2. When / how often

4.6.3. How

4.7. Release / delivery cadence

4.7.1. How often

4.7.2. Factor effort involved, schedule needs of stakeholders

4.8. Lead-time target for each class of service of work items

4.9. What to track electronically?

4.10. Card design

4.11. Post up the work that is currently in progress

5. How to work together

6. Establish metrics

6.1. Key data points

6.1.1. Work requested

6.1.2. Work started

6.1.3. Work finished

6.2. Cycle time

6.2.1. scatter diagram clusters created - S,M,L

6.3. Throughput

6.4. Diagrams

6.4.1. CFD

6.4.2. Control Flow?