Gofit Mind Map

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Gofit Mind Map by Mind Map: Gofit Mind Map

1. Matches

1.1. Friendly(No Money)

1.2. Scorecards

1.3. Paid Matches

1.4. Points Allotments

1.4.1. Playing a Match gives 1 point to team and player indivisually

1.4.2. Winning a match: 1 point to team and player + 1 Trophy to Team

1.4.3. Player of Match/Tournament decided by Voting and Statistics

1.4.4. Player of Match get 1 Trophy

2. Gyms

2.1. Nearby

2.2. Online Registration

2.3. Schedule and Fees Management

2.4. Custom Membership Plans

2.5. Track Active members

2.6. Automate membership dues

2.7. Reviews and Ratings

2.8. Data Collected by Gym

2.8.1. Photos

2.8.2. Trainer Info

2.8.3. Certifications

2.8.4. Contact Information

2.8.5. Femo Session

2.9. Offers and Discounts

3. Healthcare and Fitness

4. Social Interactions and Messaging

4.1. People

4.2. Sports Events

4.3. Tournaments

4.4. Matches

4.5. Coaches

4.6. Sports Venues

4.7. Buy/Sell Used Sports Equipments

5. Teams

5.1. Data Collected

5.1.1. Team Name

5.1.2. Team Logo

5.1.3. Type of Sports

5.1.4. Match Played

5.1.5. Won/Lost

5.1.6. Match points

5.1.7. Member list

5.1.8. Open for Boys/Girl/Both

5.1.9. Team Description

5.1.10. Coach Info.

5.1.11. Photos/Videos

5.1.12. Reviews and Ratings

5.1.13. Current Statistics

5.2. Create/Join Team

5.3. Request/Accept Athletes to Join the Team

5.4. Team Organizer

5.5. On Spot Player(s) Requests

5.6. Invite Nearby Teams for Matches

5.7. Points and Trophies Rewards for Players and Teams

5.8. Statistics

6. Tournaments/Events

6.1. Data Collected

6.1.1. Name of the Tournament/Event

6.1.2. Tournament Manager

6.1.3. Date and TIme

6.1.4. Schedule

6.1.5. Description

6.1.6. Tournament Rules

6.1.7. Participation Fees

6.1.8. Game Rules

6.1.9. Venue Information

6.2. Management

6.2.1. Participants Management

6.2.2. Fees and Costings Manager

6.2.3. Venue Booking

6.2.4. Refunds

6.2.5. Important Notifications to Participants

6.2.6. Scorecare/Standings

6.3. Private Tournament/Game

6.3.1. Entry by Invitation

6.4. New Topic

6.5. New Topic

7. Users

7.1. Profile Features

7.1.1. Upload Video/Picture

7.1.2. Photos of player

7.1.3. Achievements

7.1.4. About

7.2. Data Collected

7.2.1. Player Basic Info.

7.2.2. Display Picture

7.2.3. Total Number of matches played

7.2.4. Winning Matches

7.2.5. Losing Matches(Optional)

7.2.6. Player/Series Awards and Points

7.2.7. Teams links player is part of

7.3. Registration Modes

7.3.1. Email

7.3.2. Mobile Number

7.3.3. Facebook

7.3.4. Google

7.3.5. Fingerprint to Login

8. Venue/Facility Provider

8.1. Data Collected

8.2. List your Facility

8.3. Upload Images/Videos

8.4. Promote the Venue

8.5. Online Booking Management

8.5.1. Hourly Slots

8.5.2. Slot Price and Discounts

8.5.3. All Type of Payment methods

8.5.4. Manage bookings Offline/Online Bookings updates in Dashboard Communicate with the person booking from dashboard Email/SMS Confirmation with single click Sales Report

9. Coaching and Sports Club

9.1. Data Collected

9.2. Images to show you're certified coach

9.3. Promote

9.4. Service Fee Manager

9.5. Hourly Slots

9.6. Fees

9.7. All Payment Options

10. Waiting List

10.1. Notification when Space opens up

10.2. Notification if someone comments on the team profile

10.3. Added to attendance list if someone drops out

11. Wallet and Payments

11.1. Game Payment

11.1.1. Advance Online

11.1.2. All Payments methods available

11.1.3. Team Admin Manages game's payment

12. School/College Sports Organizing Committees and Crews

13. Feedback

13.1. Message

13.2. Phone Number

13.3. Email Address

13.4. Name(Optional)

14. About Us

15. The Community

15.1. Discussion Teams

15.2. Upload Photos/Videos

15.3. Fitness Stories

15.4. Fitness Blogs

15.5. Earn and Use your Rewards points

15.6. Earn Fame

15.7. Help and Learn

16. Gear On-line

16.1. Sell/Buy used and new sports gears and equipments

16.2. Chat

16.3. Manage your Orders

16.4. Collect Payments Online

16.5. New Topic