1. Reporting Child Abuse
2. Prevention of Child Abuse
3. Introduction to Child Abuse
3.1. Definition
3.1.1. Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or; Any act or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”*
3.2. Types and characteristics of child abuse
3.2.1. Physical Any physical injury to the child. Hitting, striking, burning, biting or other means of harm The result of an extreme measure of discipline or age-unappropriate kind of punishment
3.2.2. Neglect The failure of the caregiver to meet a child's basic needs or essentials. It's ione of the leading types of child abuse resulting in fatalities. Difficult to identify. Different Types of Neglect Physical Neglect Failure to provide food, clothing and/or shelter. It also includes the failure to supervise a child or ensure their safety. Educational Neglect Failure to provide a child with an education. Emotional Neglect Failure to cater to the emotional and/or social needs of a child including nurturing and stimulating their development. Medical Neglect Failure to provide or refusal to provide a child with medical and/or dental care.
3.2.3. Emotional
3.2.4. Sexual
3.3. Child Abandonement
3.3.1. Leaving children
3.3.2. Leaving childrean home alone