1.1. Republican vs democrat and how FDR wanted to get involved and hoover thought that the american citizens could get themselves out of trouble FDR was trying to get more power in the government, he put people who agreed with him in court. Hoover was president during the crash but FDR was out in during the depression;
2. Great Depression
2.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems, it costs a lot of money and government debt increased.
2.2. Everyone started investing credit which was money that the did't have but would pay back in banks. When people started to pull out of banks suddenly lots of others sold their stocks as well. Rich were too rich and poor were too poor. Nobody was making profit from selling low and buying high. farmers over produced products and because nobody needed the crops there was under consumption
2.2.1. Causes of the Great Depression:
3. Great Migration
3.1. Created getos and poverty in big cities
4. When groups of people migrate they settle in concentrated areas which have pros and cons, people do the same things as you, sometimes they are discriminated outside of those areas, poverty, they had nothing what so ever. very poor.
5. High unemployment in the Great Depression
5.1. Effects-- caused many americans to loose their jobs homes families--starvation--"cinderella man"---- talk about how this impacted the americans and america
6. End of ww2
6.1. Dropping of the atomic bomb
6.1.1. did not ease tension but had increased with the soviet union. we had gotten to japan first in the race.
7. !920s
8. In the 1920s the economics in america had extremely risen from the creation of credit, only the top amount of people could get rich but most people still remained in poverty
9. ***Government*** What is the role and responsibility of the American Government?
9.1. Prohibition
9.1.1. Lesson learned- very expensive for the government to regulate the llegal sale of drugs and alcohol.
9.1.2. It is difficult to stop people from taking a popular drug or stoping a addictive thing. they were addicted and wanted more. Prohibition was inneficetd
9.1.3. Crime rate was extreme and violence was spread throughout america, led to violence in society.
9.2. New Deal
9.2.1. A new way to organize groups/organizations that provided government jobs to citizens across Americans get out of debt.
9.2.2. The Role of the government had expanded and increased in power.
9.3. Red Scare
9.3.1. The government has to make sure that the threat they are taking on is real
10. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes and effective or ineffective leader?
10.1. President Nixon
10.1.1. President Nixon was fighting this war under the wrong reasons, he was trying to save his reputation and "contain the threat of communism". This did not work out for his popularity and many citizens wanted him removed from office. Since the United States was loosing he lied to the public to make it seem as if everything was okay but later once it was released to the public people no longer trusted our government. Today less than 30% of people say they trust our government. Containment had failed and the NV knew this, they waited for the US to back out and leave. The NV broke the Paris Peace Corps and they took over the SV capitol Saigon because the SV was left held together by string, with nothing to fight with. The United States will not re-enter Vietnam and that they cannot enter a war so unpopular and so hated by people at that time, many vets appericiate it ntoday.
11. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how it has impacted America?
12. ***Economics*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?
13. Holocaust
13.1. we should not punish people because of their race and beiiefs. gorvenment took japanesse to camps because of fear.
13.1.1. During the holocaust, in america the media used propaganda to influence the public to build nationalism and create a public opinion of hatred to Nazis
14. America on the home front
14.1. People had invested in war bonds which showed america that investing in our country benefits and the solders and you.
14.2. The more allies that the united states has, the better and stronger they are
15. JFK and LBJ
15.1. Civil rights movement
15.1.1. Government the great society when the gov cuts taxes, and creates large social programs, the gov debt increases
16. soical
16.1. black panthers
16.1.1. the black panthers did not work because the police and FBI went against them and killed their people, the idea of self defense is great but when going up against a force you cant win against you will get hurt
17. politcal
17.1. voting
17.1.1. the voting rights act of 1964 and 1968 had made it possible for African Americans to vote without interruptions or segregation from white Americans theme: segregated voting topic: lesson learned
18. The Marshall Plan
18.1. When striving for allies in a war helping them economically, like paying them-releveing them of some debt/helping them with trade benefits foreign relations
19. New technology really surprised people and most did not know how to react to this
20. ***Civil Rights*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?
20.1. Amendments
21. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?
21.1. Inventions
21.1.1. War Communications In world war 1 with the advance in technology people were able to get important information to their allies much faster then before. Warfare- technology advanced so much that it had a hugde impact on wars and nobody expected it. tragic wars, nobody was /is ready for another war because of the advance in tech.
21.1.2. Radio, new things that can broadcast nationally creating a new national culture. 1950s- televison 1990-internet, connect to a simillar culture Trench Warfare Technology advances very quickly, influencing the style of war.
21.1.3. When the US is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.
22. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?
22.1. News Communications 1920s
22.1.1. Radio, faster way to receive information, s
22.1.2. Newspaper, with more people in school literacy incresased making it easier for people to write newspapers and to understand what is written in them.
22.2. McCarthyism
22.2.1. Red scare, he knew there television was just invented and he could get across his message
23. ***Foregin Relations*** How have foregin entanglements influence America?
23.1. World War 1
23.1.1. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict The TOV was put in place to punish Germany ----Way too harsh on them. Allows someone like Hitler to rise and fight back in desperate times. Created NATO, The more allies you have the stronger your country will become,
23.2. *** The Vietnam War, What Went Wrong****
23.2.1. Beginning of the War, we supported the WRONG leader who was Diem. The US supported him because WAS NOT a communist, the other leader was named Ho Chi Mihn, he was the leader who was very supported by the Vietnamese public. Some citizens were so outraged of Diem's leadership that they set themselves on fire in protest. Just because a leader is seen as a communist does not mean we cannot side with them. If the US did not support Diem, then we would have had Vietnam on our side We did not know the area at all, as the notes say It was NOT a vacation in paradise. Our soldiers had to battle constant rain and wet fields of rice patties. The Jungle is a very harsh place and often soldiers were not prepared to fight a war in this area. Also, the North Vietnam soldiers new the area like the back of their hand, combine this with gorilla warfare tactics and our army men are out smarted. When commencing chemical warfare, napalm which is a flammable gel, only started Forrest fires and not actually harming the NV because of the underground tunnels.
23.3. The Korean War
23.3.1. Never leave a war on a cease fire, the war is still o going today
23.3.2. Never fight a war in an unknown terrain were it is inhumane to be fighting in these condition. goals are not easy to accomplish
23.3.3. in order to stop communism we have to fight in this war and get involved
23.4. NATO
23.4.1. Alliance with European countries, effective at stopping aggressive actors on the world, (so another Hitler does not rise)
24. Causes of ww2
24.1. after ww2 the world didnt learn which led to similar causes of ww2, media was influencail to the public and hitler used it to his advantage. it wasnt moral but the tactics were very effective . nobody challenged hitler
24.1.1. MAGNET
25. Pivotal Battles of ww2
25.1. we had a ongoing battle with japan while fighting a race to stop and tak eover japan with the soviet union
25.1.1. People that used total war had effectiv outcomes but less morals. more allies the better
26. 1920s
26.1. Credit/Dreams of becoming rich
26.1.1. During the 1920's the invention of credit had made the economy boom, what most consumers did not know was that every time they used credit, debt was piling up. People thought they were rich but in reality most people were in the middle/lower class. Consumers had a deadline to pay off all of their debts to the bank but when people realized they couldn’t pay they took out shares of stock. Banks were offering out money that did not belong to them which started the downfall of the United States and kick started the Great Depression. Economics- Mass production/Mass Consumption/Mass Culture- that the US is producing goods that the US people are consuming on a daily basis and using in their everyday needs