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Сардана by Mind Map: Сардана

1. automated speech recognition ASR (Speech 2 Text)

1.1. Natural Language Understanding

1.1.1. Watson NLU IMB Free Watson Natural Language Understanding


3. NLP

3.1. 1. Sentence Segmentation

3.2. 2. Word Tokenization

3.3. 3: Predicting Parts of Speech for Each Token

3.4. 4: Text Lemmatization

3.5. 5: Identifying Stop Words

3.6. 6: Dependency Parsing

3.7. 7: Named Entity Recognition (NER)

3.8. 8: Coreference Resolution

4. Text 2 Speech

4.1. Natural Language Generation

4.1.1. Concative TTS mozilatts

4.1.2. WaveNets

4.1.3. Parametric TTS