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World War 1 by Mind Map: World War 1

1. Countries Involved

1.1. Britian

1.2. Russia

1.3. Germany

1.4. France

1.5. Austria-Hungary

1.6. Italy

2. The End

2.1. Treaty of Versalilles

2.1.1. The Big Four David Lloyd George (Great Britain) Georges Clemenceau (France) Vittorio Orlando (Italy) Woodrow Wilson (The United States of America)

2.1.2. The Treaty Objectives War Guilt Clause 231 - Accepting the responsibility for the war, Germany agreed to pay for damages. Germany constricted to 100,000 volunteer army. Germany to cede all colonies to the Allies, League will handle redistribution.

3. Imperialism

3.1. Imperial Tensions became high close to the later part of the 19th century due to the "Scramble For Africa"

3.2. Imperial Rivalries

3.2.1. Bismark was not interested in gaining African colomies

3.2.2. Britain viewed Germany as a threat to its global empire and prestige because of Germany's industrial output and trad increase

3.2.3. Germany now wanted a navy threatening Britain as the most powerful naval power

3.2.4. Fearing encirclement Germany tried to break up France and Britain's relationship. Algeciras Crisis of 1905 in Morocco Agadir Crisis of 1911 (the gun boat diplomacy)

3.2.5. Austria-Hungary was in survival mode because of the rising Serbian nationalism and terrorist organizations inside the empire. Were not powerful enough without Russia's help to disrupt it

3.2.6. To thwart its rivals, Germany financed a railway in the Ottoman Empire and lent its military knowledge and capital to the Turks.

3.2.7. Britain and Russia had conflicting imperialist views in the Middle East, but France was in between them as to create a strong alliance against Germany.

4. Industrialization

4.1. 1. United States

4.1.1. Steel & Iron production increased by 242% between 1890-1913

4.2. 2. Germany

4.2.1. Steel Production increased by 329%

4.3. 3. Britain

4.3.1. Had declining productions

4.4. 4. France

4.4.1. 2nd to last place

4.5. 5. Austria-Hungary

4.5.1. Last place

5. July Crisis

5.1. June 28 in Sarajevo, Bosnia - Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assasinated

5.2. Franz Ferdinand was a moderate reformer who could have found a compromise but that would have frustrated Serb's goals

5.3. Escalation

5.3.1. Austria-Hungary could not let Serbia go unpunished and retain prestige as a "Great Power"

5.3.2. Russia felt it could nt back down from this one like they did with previous Balkan crises.

5.3.3. Germany was just worried about how much improvement Russia's armies.

5.3.4. The Ifs France might not support Russia, and the Central Powers would win a diplomatic victory and win the alliance with Russia back If war was to come, then now better than later.

6. Militarism

6.1. Germany

6.1.1. Schlieffen Plan Was designed to outflank France's Army and capture Paris within 41 days; proceed to take all the resources and defeat Russia The plan would go through neutral Belgium & Luxembourg

6.2. Austria

6.2.1. Austrian Naval League (1905)

6.2.2. New military laws guaranteed their armed forces an annual contingent of 181,000 men increase

6.2.3. Wanted to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina

6.2.4. Plan B for Balkans and Plan R for Russia

6.3. Italy

6.3.1. The army was the symbol of Italy's unity and status as a Great Power.

6.3.2. Throughout the 1890s, the generals had planned for a war with France, but also Austria-Hungary.

6.4. Russia

6.4.1. Believed they were the overseer of the Slavs in the Balkans.

6.4.2. Agreed to huge army and naval increases in 1913

6.4.3. Plan 19

6.5. France

6.5.1. Wanted to regain Alsace-Lorraine and have colonies in Africa

6.5.2. Extended compulsory military service from 2 to 3 years

6.5.3. Plan XVII

7. Causes

7.1. Nationalism

7.2. Alliance System

7.3. Imperial Rivalries

7.4. Industrialization

7.5. Militarisam

7.6. July Crisis

8. Alliances

8.1. Details of the Alliances were kept secret and were only published after the wars.

8.2. Dual Alliances (1879)

8.2.1. Between Germany & Austria Hungary

8.2.2. Were to help each other in case of an attack

8.2.3. Germany's Reasons Austria-Hungary was partly German Empire Maintain a balance of power in their favor Austria-Hungary could be easily dominated

8.2.4. Austria-Hungary's Reasons Additional Guarantee of the empire's stability Maintenance of Austria-Hungary as a Great Power depended on the alliance.

8.3. Central Powers (Triple Alliance) (1882)

8.3.1. Between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Additions included Bulgaria (1915) & Ottoman Empire (1914)

8.3.2. Come to each other's aid in case of war

8.3.3. It gave Italy a status as a Great Power

8.3.4. Italy wanted to establish influence in the Balkans

8.3.5. Italy's POV Switched from a policy of internal improvement to nationalism/imperialism Wanted Trentino & Trieste held by Austria-Hungary Wanted Nice & Savoy ceded to France for help

8.4. Dual Entente (1893)

8.4.1. Between France & Russia

8.4.2. Both countries wanted to partially mobilize in case of an attack by Germany or Austria-Hungary

8.4.3. Reasons for the Entente The British threatened Russian and French spheres of influences Was a way to counter the threat of Germany allied with Austria-Hungary France could maintain preeminence in Europe and stand up to Germany

8.5. Entente Cordiale (1904)

8.5.1. Between France, Russia, Britain (Mutual Trust)

8.5.2. Not an alliance

8.5.3. To settle imperial disputes with France & Britain, mostly in Africa

8.5.4. Britain was feeling the pressure of economic competition from Germany and losing prestige.

8.5.5. When it came to Navel strategies, Britain would concentrate on the English Channel and France would concentrate on the Mediterranean.

8.6. Anglo-Russian Entente (1907) / Allied Powers

8.6.1. Between Britain, Russia, France Additions included Luxembourg & Belgium and even Italy switched sides in 1915 and then US in 1917

8.6.2. To settle imperial differences in the Middle East

8.6.3. It settled old differences between them and borders between their two empires in Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet

9. Nationalism

9.1. A feeling of loyalty and pride in one's nation or people and is sometimes accompanied by feelings of superiority over other nations

9.2. Balkans

9.2.1. Populated by a group referred to Slavs

9.2.2. Dominated by Austro-Hungarian & Ottoman Empires

9.2.3. A series of crises followed in the years known as the Balkan Wars in 1908, 1912, 1913 against the Ottoman Empire.

9.2.4. Panslavic Nationalism a movement that was meant to recognize the commonality between various Slavic groups.

9.3. The Eastern Question

9.3.1. "If not the Ottomans to rule, then who?"