Types of Assessment Validity & Reliability

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Types of Assessment Validity & Reliability by Mind Map: Types of Assessment Validity & Reliability

1. “two equivalent forms of the test” administered and correlated (p. 343).

2. “The same test is administered twice to the same group of students, and...scores are correlated” (p. 342).

3. Useful when criterion-related validity evidence is inapplicable to a test.

4. • Content Validity Evidence

5. Are appropriate ideas covered? (p. 330)

6. Yields a "logical judgment" (p. 331)

7. • Construct Validity Evidence

8. • Test-Retest/Stability

9. • Alternate Forms/Equivalence

10. Reference: Borich, G. & Kubiszyn, T. (2010). Educational Testing & Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

11. • Criterion-related Validity Evidence

11.1. o Concurrent criterion-related validity evidence

11.1.1. Can “estimate the validity of a new test” (p. 330).

11.2. o Predictive validity evidence

11.2.1. “Can predict some future behavior of the examinees” (p. 330).

12. “External” validation is necessary (p. 330)

13. Yields a numerical index (p. 331)

14. • Internal Consistency

14.1. o Split-half methods

14.2. o Kuder-Richardson methods