1.1. Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills
1.1.1. Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (ACSSU076) Activity - Spinning Water bucket (Students to re-read Chapter 10, Throwing the Hammer) Overview: This activity involved spinning a bucket of water above the head and around, this is a working demonstration of Centripetal Forces. If the rate of rotation is high enough that the centripetal force is at least as great as gravity, the water won’t spill out of the bucket. This is a representation of the forces acting on Amanda Thripp when Miss Trunchbull spun her and threw her by her pigtails. Prior to carrying out the experiment, students will record their predictions in their science journals, asking questions such as; "What will happen to the water if the bucket is spinning slowly? What will happen if the bucket if spinning fast? How much water can be in the bucket before it spills upon spinning? Students will watch the Youtube video (link attached) explaining the theory of the acting forces. Once the activity is complete, students will record their observations and confirm if any predictions made were accurate. Activity: Magnet Experiment (Students to re-read Chapter 14, The First Miracle) Overview: Students experiment with magnets and a pencil, to create a structure that can push a magnet along without touching them or making a pencil spin with the aid of the magnets. Prior to beginning students will watch the instructional Youtube video (link attached) demonstrating one way of completing the experiment. Students will be working to mimic Matilda's powers when she was able to tip Miss Trunchbull's glass of water over without touching it. Students will discuss predictions and design ideas, documenting these in their science journals. Any observations made throughout the experiment will also be noted in the science journals.
1.1.2. With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge (ACSIS064)
1.1.3. Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties that can influence their use (ACSSU074) Activity - Investigate the physical properties of glue and how this can influence its use (Students to re-read Chapter 3, The Hat and the Superglue) Overview: Adhesives are all around us (eg. bandages, sticky tape, post-it notes, glue sticks). Adhesives vary in their stickiness depending on the purpose of their use. Students encounter a real-life the scenario that requires an inventive solution. Activity requirements: Lead the students to the undercover area to complete the activity. Organise students into groups of three. The scenario is as follows; Help Matilda prank her dad! She has run out of super glue. Students need to work together to engineer a formula for homemade glue. Students will read basic homemade glue recipes and experiment with varying ratios of ingredients to make weak and strong versions of glue. Students to write observations and changes made to the proposed glue methods in their science journals.
2.1. Number and Algebra
2.1.1. Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies (ACMNA080) Activity - Calculating Mr Wormwood's profits (Students to re-read Chapter 5, Arithmetic). Overview: This activity will demonstrate to students that not all countries use dollars. The teacher will divide the class into groups, with each group representing a car company. The students will invent a name for their company. Give each group £1000 in tokens of £10. Prior to buying the second-hand cars and sawdust from the teacher, students need to discuss and write down five Mr Wormwood-themed arithmetic questions, modelling the same style. For example, You want to make a profit of £2000 for the day. You’ve made £1400 all day. How much do you need to sell your last car for? Once the questions have been documented, the car companies can proceed with buying cars (worth £50) and sawdust (worth £10) from the teacher. The students then need to calculate a cost for the refurbishment of the second-hand cars and prices to sell to make a profit.
3.1. Personal, social and community health
3.1.1. The positive influence of respect, empathy and the valuing of differences in relationships (ACPPS037) Activity - A Day in the life of Matilda Overview: This conversational activity is designed to be completed for Harmony Day. Students will build relationships through questioning and discussion as they explore how they would feel if they were Matilda for a day. Students will revisit a section of the text where they believe bullying was evident, and use these examples for the activity. The teacher will also have prepared examples from the text, where Matilda was bullied. Students will also be encouraged to explore the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their classmates. This activity is designed to stimulate and encourage students to open their minds to each others' varying qualities. Like Matilda and her gifted ways, the differences we share make us all the more unique and special. Students will write a reflection in their daily journals, about how they felt throughout the exercise.
4. ART
4.1. Drama
4.1.1. Making Skills Exploration and experimentation of eight (8) elements of drama: voice (loud, soft, varying loud and soft; pitch variation; pace; volume); movement (facial expressions and gestures to create belief in character and situation); role (taking on the point of view of a fictional character; listening and responding in role; adopting a role and maintaining focus); situation (establishing and sustaining a fictional setting); space (establishing a clear setting); character (communicating character traits; developing relationships between characters); time (sense of time to create belief in drama); relationships (how relationships influence character development) when creating improvised or devised drama (ACADRM032)
5.1. Language
5.1.1. Expressing and Developing Ideas ACELA1495 Activity - Physical Word Sort (FSR MD, p.184) Word cards with adverbs and verbs taken from the text ‘Matilda’ will be distributed among the students. This activity is designed to have the students walking around the classroom, interacting and discussing the possible word combinations to complete the chosen sentences.
5.1.2. Phonics and Word Knowledge ACELA1780 Activity - Kahoot 'Can you pick the right homophone?' (Resources required: Ipads). In this lesson, students learn how to identify homophones in a reading passage and how to best use the text to help them decide on the appropriate homophones to complete quotations from Matilda. Students will be assessed in the form of a Kahoot, where incomplete sentences from the book, will be presented and students need to select the correct spelling for the missing homophone. ACELA1828 Activity - Secret Message (FSRMD, p. 236) Students will be given a photocopied version of Chapter 13, The Weekly Test, where prefixes and suffixes have been removed. Students will re-read the chapter and identify and replace the suitable affix.
5.1.3. Text Structure and Organisation ACELA1490 Activity - 2C2D Collect Compare Display Discuss (FSRMD, p. 207)(Resources required: iPads). The teacher will have prepared 10 QR codes that when scanned, link the students to 10 youtube videos from the 1996 film 'Matilda'. The videos will cover various sections from beginning to the end of the film. The students will COLLECT information in the form of dot points from the video, COMPARE the differences/similarities between the scene from the film and the scene from the book, DISPLAY these findings in table form with two columns labelled COMPARE and CONTRAST, finally students will DISCUSS with their peers, why the two text types were designed the way they were. ACELA1491 Activity - Story Maps (FSR MD, p 213) The teacher will have prepared 2-3 A4 laminate sheets (with Velcro sticky pads to stick to the back wall) with an illustration and a paragraph, representative of the beginning middle and end of each chapter. There will be approximately 63 sheets to represent the 21 chapters. Over the duration of the unit, as the story progresses, the students will draw on elements from the text and the clues in their A4 sheets to begin to form a chronological story map with the A4 sheets.
5.2. Literacy
5.2.1. Interpreting, analysing and evaluating ACELA1690 Activity Part 1 - Design a layout - newspaper assessment (Scootle resource; Resources required - computers or Ipads). Students will test their understanding of how visual elements in a newspaper page affect reader response. Students will compare a poorly created newspaper page layout with a good page layout and identify how the visual elements in the good layout work better to convey meaning to the reader. Activity Part 2 -Transformations (FSRMD, p. 211) Following the lesson on newspaper layouts, students will select from the topics to create their own Headline article for the front page of the newspaper; Corrupt car salesman, strange phenomena, Genius child. Students will write a short article in the third person point of view, about the topic. Using features such as language, style, size, colour and placement of images and text which can improve the readability of the page and draw the readers' interest. ACELA1692 Activity - Modelled Reading Procedure (FSR RB, p.15-17) The teacher will use a Modelled Reading procedure to introduce the text ‘Matilda’ to the students over the course of the unit. The students will listen as comprehension strategies are modelled, such as predicting, inferring, skimming and scanning, to build literal and inferred meaning. ACELA1691 Activity - Facts and Falsehoods (FSR MD, p.212) Students are grouped and assigned a chapter from Matilda. From the assigned chapter, groups will create five factual and five fictional statements, to share with the remainder of the class.
5.2.2. Creating Texts ACELY1695 Activity - Read and Retell (FSRMD, p.208) Students will work in pairs and will be assigned a Chapter to re-read. Once they have read their chapter, they will work together to investigate, the names of characters within their assigned chapter and work to create new names for the characters and places. Students will then perform an oral re-tell to the classroom.
5.3. Literature
5.3.1. Examining Literature ACELT1605 Activity - Students work through photocopied passages from Chapter 7 (MissHoney) and Chapter 8 (Miss Trunchbull) and highlight examples of figurative language used to describe each teacher in respect to their physical and personal demeanour. Activity - Constructing a new Teacher - Chapter 7 and 8 of Matilda. Working in pairs, students will create new teachers, both a good and a bad teacher. The teacher must have: A simile to describe the way they walk or stand, a simile to describe the way they look, a simile to describe the way the students act when near the teacher and an appropriate name that reflects his or her personality. For example, Miss Trunchbull is described as "a fierce tyrannical monster". Miss Honey, is described as having a "body so slim and fragile that one got the feeling that is she fell over she would smash into a thousand pieces, like a porcelain figure". Students are to write (on butcher paper) and present briefly to the class, their good and bad teachers and explain how they decided on their names. Activity - DIRDS (FSRMD, p.214) Students will re-read Chapter 5, Arithmetic and complete a DIRDS (Described, Illustrated, Responded to by Others, Do, Say) worksheet focusing on the character of Mr Wormwood. Using the characters of Michael and Matilda to complete the 'Responded to by others' section. ACELT1606 Activity (Resources required: Ipads) - Students write their own limerick. In Chapter 7, Matilda demonstrates her ability to read by reciting a famous limerick. Over the duration of two lessons, students will re-read chapter 7 and begin discussing poetic language, with the main focus; the structure of Limericks, and how it engages us emotionally and brings to life the subject matter in a short, rhythmic structure. Once the students have written their limerick, each student can create a page using the app Book Creator. Once all the students have completed their pages, a digital class book of poems will be created for all to re-read and enjoy.
5.3.2. Responding to Literature ACELT1603 Activity - Change the Point of View (FSRMD, p. 223). Students will re-read Chapter 4, The Ghost. This activity provides students with the opportunity to discuss Chapter 4, identify the point of view from which it is written and discuss how the point of view could be changed. Students will take turns discussing from the point of the view of the parrot; How did you feel being stuck in the chimney? Other point of views include that of, Mr and Mrs Wormwood, Michael Wormwood and Matilda.
5.3.3. Creating Literature ACELT1607 Activity - Responding to Texts (FSRMD, p.263) Students will re-read Chapter 21, A New Home and create a new ending for the book Matilda. In the final chapter, Matilda's family is fleeing the country to Spain. How could the story have ended differently?