Bacterial Characteristics

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Bacterial Characteristics by Mind Map: Bacterial Characteristics

1. Prokaryotes Vs. Eukaryotes

1.1. Cell Wall

1.2. DNA Structure

1.3. Internal Structures

1.3.1. Eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles Nucleus

2. Morphologies

2.1. Shapes

2.1.1. Cocci

2.1.2. Bacilli

2.2. Groupings

3. Outer Surface

3.1. Appendages

3.1.1. Fimbriae

3.1.2. Pili

3.1.3. Flagella Filament hook

3.2. S Layer

3.3. Surface Coating

3.3.1. Glycocalyx Slime Layer- unorganized and loose Capsule- neatly organized

4. Inner Components

4.1. Cytoplasm

4.2. Ribosomes

4.3. Inclusions

4.4. Nucleoid

4.5. Microcompartments

4.6. Cytoskeleton

4.7. Endospores

4.8. Plasmid

4.9. Intracellular Membrane

5. Cell Envelope

5.1. Outer Membrane

5.2. Cell Wall

5.2.1. Gram-positive

5.2.2. Gram-negative

5.3. Cytoplasmic Membrane