What caused the civil war? slave resistance, slavery`s crackdown, and potential expansión

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What caused the civil war? slave resistance, slavery`s crackdown, and potential expansión by Mind Map: What caused the civil war? slave resistance, slavery`s crackdown, and potential expansión

1. What is an ideology? A false belief held out of self- interest. Example: False beliefs in inferiority of African Americans; that expanding slavery westward is good for whole country, not just for platations; that U.S. is taking California and New Mexico in order to win the war with Mexico.

2. How did slaves resist? The Haitian revolution (1792- 1804) inspires African Americans; slave uprisings of Gabriel Prosser (1800), Denmark Vesey (1822), and Nat Turner (1831); the Seminole Wars, 1812 and 1835; the Amistad Rebellion, 1939, and the everyday resistence of slaves (1919- 1865).

3. Which side was in the Civil war?: A preview of the civil war: America`s second revolution

4. Why did por southerners make common cause with slavery? White Southerners of Little or no ptoperty demand equal rights, but do not address the source of planter`s power: chatel slavery, because they view blacks asCompromise of 1820 pleases neither abolitions nor slaveholders. South California defies federal goverment.

5. Why did abolitionists not catch on universally with Northern workers opposed to slavey? And why did they frighten slaveowners? Garrison leads White abolitionists, while David Walker, son of slave father, issues call to action among slaves rather tan appeal to slave-owners; slaveowners counter with theuir own propaganda; a terror campaign againts Southern free blacks. Crackdown fails: Movement againts slavey grows, but Northern White workers hate slavery and slaves alike, amd Garrison does not make common cause with labor movement againts employers.

6. Why did Western expansion lead to Civil war? Northerners and Southerners agree on Western expansion, but different reasons: The North for industrial capitalism, the Soth to expand slavery and platations. Texas fights for Independence from Mexico, and U.S. annexes Texas in 1845. James Polk uses war as excuse to take what becomes California and New Mexico, Discovery of gold feeds rush Westward.But debate intensified over whether slavery shoul extend there.

7. How did the compromise of 1850 change things? The compromiso preserves Unión, but at great cost escaped slaves: After Gold Rush of 1849, California and New Mexico and Utah are admitted as territories without slavery being banned there, New Fugituve Slave Law passed to fight Underground Railroad. It inflames anti-slavery feeling, making something far away a more immediate issue for many whites. Conflict becomes increasingly violent in Kansas-Nebraska, where Jhon Brown, a White New Englander, fought againts slavey.

8. How did american politics change? there is a new party alignment, and the moves toward a showdown, both over slavery. Republicans become "free soil" party. African Americans pay close attention to election. Supreme Court`s Dred Scott decisión in 1857 rejects that Scott became free when his master took him out of the south. John Brown raids Harpers Ferry to seize arms and liberate slaves in Virginia. Defeated by U.S. Marines under Robert E. Lee. Brown was hung, but "John Brown`s body" became the Battle Hymn of the republic.