1. Workshops
1.1. workshop booking system
1.2. Description of content and rationale
1.2.1. Formal Content Collaboration Assessment Administration
1.3. planning your online unit session
1.4. Open Workshop
1.5. Coached teams
2. Faculty Activity
2.1. Staff Meetings - introductions & contact
2.2. At elbow support
2.3. Project updates - staff meetings
2.4. Lunch time seminar/defence session
2.5. Review / improvement process
2.5.1. Log of just in time interactions
3. Web Site
3.1. Support team introductions and contact details
3.2. Familiarisation
3.2.1. Familarisation - The New MyLO Video
3.2.2. Selling Points Document
3.2.3. Selling Points extended interactive/document
3.2.4. Recipe cards
3.3. Curriculum design using MyLO 2012
3.4. Training Materials
3.5. Blog
3.5.1. News - changes etc
3.5.2. interactions with staff - informal case studies
3.5.3. Static content/links to resources
3.6. Training Calendar
3.7. Social Network
3.7.1. 23 things style small activities
3.7.2. aggregated external content - eg. resources Delicious Tag Teachers Blogs Team members individual blogs externally produced resources
3.7.3. academics/staff profiles
3.7.4. Discussion threads
3.7.5. Yammer group
3.8. FAQ
3.8.1. Captivate/Camtasia Videos
3.8.2. Textual/image based email replies
3.8.3. User generated menu - eg. Tags